The Ide Melanote, a little known fish

Here is an animal that is not very common in our ponds and yet deserves to be better known! The Ide Melanote is a fish that is not afraid of the cold and that, by its mode of feeding, helps to regulate the ecosystem of the pond.


The Melanote Ide (Leuciscus idus) is a member of the Cyprinidae family. This fish looks like a roach. Of gregarious nature, it likes to live in schools.

Its body is tapered and its color is mostly silver but can vary from blue-gray to a very dark green depending on the age and the period. The belly is whitish and the sides are always lighter and silvery. The fins are gray except for the pelvic and anal fins which are pink or red. Its head is narrow, with a mouth directed upwards.

The maximum adult size is 75 cm in length for a weight of 4 kg.

Habitat and feeding

This fish is found in the wild in rivers, ponds and lakes in Central and Eastern Europe, as far as the Ural plain. It is also very common in Great Britain. In France, it can be found in the Rhine, the Moselle or the Somme, more rarely in the Loire and the Sarthe. The Ide is not a difficult fish, it can live as well near the bottom as at a few centimeters of the surface and tolerates also brackish waters.

The Ide is a good ally in the pond because it feeds mainly on insects, small crustaceans, plant debris and algae, which allows to limit maintenance operations. Be careful though, because in very large ponds, where it can grow to its maximum size, it could feed on small fish.


The reproduction period of the Melanotus Ide is in spring, between April and June, depending on the weather conditions. A female can lay between 42,000 and 260,000 eggs in a shallow area with a gravelly bottom where the eggs can cling. Many will be destroyed before hatching or absorbed by predators in the first few hours of their life, thus limiting the number of individuals. The Ide can live more than 20 years.

Behavior in the tank

The Ide is a gregarious fish, it will be necessary to introduce several subjects of this same species (at least 5).

A pond of at least 25 m² is necessary for its lively movements under the surface. It is a hunter and spends its time cleaning the pond of insects that are on the surface or that have fallen into the water. It also appreciates aquatic insects, mosquito larvae and can also be very useful to rid the pond of green algae and other plant invasions.

The stickleback, a nesting fish

A superb fish the size of a small finger slips into the vegetation: blue eye, red belly, slate blue back. Exotic, installed in the living room aquarium? Not at all, the stickleback lives in our rivers, our ponds, busy building a comfortable nest for its young.

A small bony freshwater fish

The three-spined stickleback is a bony fish of the Gasterosteidae family. It lives in rivers with calm currents, but also in ponds, puddles and isolated waterholes, all over France. Common, ubiquitous, it walks its long body from 4 to 10 cm, with a greenish back, a silver belly, in the abundant vegetation, on muddy or sandy bottoms. On its sides, no scales, but bony plates; on its back a row of spines, three in Gasterosteus aculeatus; under its belly not fins but pelvic spines. And especially remarkable spring colors. In the male, only, which from March prepares for the mating rituals.

A colorful male

The arrival of spring announces for the male stickleback a new outfit, with bright colors. His throat, his flanks, will become orange-red, his back slate blue. And his eyes of dull gray become azure blue. The female doesn't change anything in her wardrobe, it is she who will choose the most attractive male, with the most attractive parade. The one who will fertilize the eggs. Prepared by dozens in the females, they are so numerous and so big that she grows spectacularly, up to 25% of her weight in addition. She will entrust them to the paternal care, particularly serious.

A safe and cozy nest

Not content with adorning himself with beautiful colors, the little male stickleback works for his offspring. He chooses a territory, in shallow fresh water, with dense vegetation. On the bottom, he builds a nest of intertwined plants, bound by a mucus of his own making. Until July he will watch for females. And will seduce them of a dance, parade of presentation of its body of male and its sure and cosy nest. The conquered female will then lay her eggs in the nest. And the male will chase her away immediately, to take care of his young. He watches over them, ventilates them by creating an oxygen-carrying current. 8 to 10 days later, when the young are born, he will still be there, ensuring their protection until they leave, carried away by the current to other territories.

Dreaded carnivores and sought-after prey

The young sticklebacks will disperse, forming small scattered groups from several nests. Carnivorous, they will feed on zooplankton, crustaceans, insects, larvae and adults, worms, fry... And will even practice cannibalism, devouring each other. Sometimes cited as harmful for their voracity, sticklebacks are themselves hunted. They seem to be formidable with their row of hard and sharp dorsal spines rising up during an attack, not to mention their lateral pelvic spines always ready to hurt. But some predators have been able to adapt: the kingfisher knocks it out before swallowing it, the spines at rest are always folded. The heron will prefer to crush it with its powerful beak. The egret gobbles it head on...

The stickleback is a common fish of our fresh waters, not well known despite its amazing habits. Often raised in aquariums, it offers a fascinating show, spring colors, nest building, ventilation of the young. But under the waters of our rivers, ponds, sticklebacks are in regression and are classified on the list of protected species in "minor concern".

The argyroneta, a diving spider

Discreet spider, the Argyronetus lives, hunts, feeds, reproduces, under water. Often unknown inhabitant of our ponds, it leads an original life, totally adapted to the aquatic environment.

An aquatic spider

It lives underwater in the middle of fish, frogs and dragonfly larvae. The Argyronet, Argyroneta aquatica, is the only spider known to lead its complete life cycle in an underwater habitat. Without gills, with its aerial respiratory system, it has managed to invest the third dimension of the aquatic world. And among spiders, it reigns as the uncontested master. Of small size, 8 to 15 mm, it knew how to adapt with ingenuity to an environment full of resources. The only one of its kind, of the family Dictynidae, it can be found in the whole Palearctic area.

It lives underwater but breathes oxygen from the air

The Argyronete has not developed an aquatic respiratory system, its adaptation is simple, ingenious and efficient. No need for tanks or scuba. It goes to the surface, captures air from its back legs which comes to be fixed solidly on its fine hydrophobic gray hairs and a bubble is then formed around its abdomen, conferring its silver aspect. This bubble supplies air to its respiratory trachea. This form of air storage having its limits, she has developed a custom-made habitat.

A self-breathing air bell

The Argyronet is the architect of the pond. It weaves its habitat, an inverted bell attached to the plants and impermeable to water. Its appearance has earned it its name, "Argyroneta" meaning "silver web". The properties of this cloth are amazing: it filters gases. The oxygen in the water diffuses into the bell filled with air by the Argyroneta, the carbon dioxide is rejected into the water. The web breathes. But these exchanges do not allow to keep a balance between the different gases, and regularly the Argyronetus must go back to the surface, recover air in the hairs of its abdomen and release it under its bell.

An accomplished swimmer

The powerful front legs of the Argyronetus allow it to unhook itself from the plants and swim with ease. The air bubble, depending on its size, more or less large in males or females, would encourage floating and would influence the agility and speed of each individual. The network of tracheas, extremely developed as in many insects, allows to diffuse the air in all the body, but would also play a hydrostatic role supporting the stability in water.

A hunter on the lookout

A predator, the Argyronetus hunts on the lookout, chasing its prey at full speed, scouring the waters in search of insects, small crustaceans, and even fish. It captures them with its powerful front legs, then neutralizes them definitively with its venom. She cannot consume them underwater, and must therefore bring them back under her bell, or to the surface. Encounters of the Argyronetus with humans, with very distinct habitats, are rare, but cause painful bites, although the venom is harmless.

Males and females, aquatic encounters

The male in the Argyronete is distinguished by its larger size, it joins the female in her bell where mating takes place. The eggs will be laid at the top of the lodge, surrounded by white silk, late spring and summer, the young are born and remain a long time in their shelter. The successive moults will take place in the air, under a bell or on the surface, the young will remain close by or will disperse along aerial threads to explore and colonize new aquatic spaces

Two cousins that walk on water

Large and powerful wetland spiders, Dolomedes live near ponds and calm waters. Powerful, the adults can capture large preys, like damselflies. But also small fish, their fishing technique is unstoppable: they vibrate the water with their front legs and wait for their meal. They make brief appearances underwater, clinging to plants, but generally remain on the surface, leaving the Argyronetus the exclusivity of the aquatic depths.

A pond, calm waters, plants to anchor its web, a little polluted water, some preys: the Argyronet can establish itself, live its adult life for two years, settle its young. And thus perpetuate its species with its so particular way of life. An unsuspected world to preserve.

Introducing fish into a pond

What could be more pleasant than watching the bright and colorful movements of fish in a pond? They help to control the growth of algae and mosquitoes and contribute to the balance of the ecosystem. Let's see when and how to introduce them into a pond so that they live happily.

A question of volume

Before thinking of introducing your fish, it is necessary to evaluate the volume of the pond in order not to overcrowd it and to install adapted species.

Another parameter to take into account is the depth, because in regions where it freezes in winter, the layer of ice can be thick, which does not pose a major problem for certain species as long as the depth is sufficient so that the fish are not caught in the ice. A minimum depth of 50 cm is required for small species in areas where freezing temperatures are prevalent.

When should I introduce fish into my pond?

The ideal time to introduce fish is during the summer months after the last frost. Spring and summer are good times to bring fish into the pond.

If you have just built your pond, wait at least 1 month after filling it before introducing your fish so that the water has acquired a good biological balance.

Planting aquatic plants beforehand is a plus because they oxygenate and purify the water, the fish will be able to hide there, lay eggs and enjoy their beneficial shade.

How do I get fish for my pond?

  • Do not take fish from the natural biotope (lake, river, pond...) to introduce them into your pond.
  • When buying fish, always check the sanitary conditions of the point of sale. The aquariums must be clean and no sick fish must be present at the risk of contaminating the others.
  • Choose lively fish with well-developed fins and no suspicious blotches.
  • The gills should not be red or excessively expanded.
  • The fish should swim briskly between two waters. Avoid fish that are apathetic, stay on the surface or too deep (except for bottom cleaning species).

Which fish for my pond?

Depending on the volume of the pond and the climate, various species can be introduced, but make sure that they are compatible with each other because some fish are carnivorous and will not hesitate to attack others.

Let's start with the most common species and probably the easiest to raise at first: the goldfish.

The goldfish

Goldfish are gregarious animals that enjoy the company of others of their kind. Introduce at least 3 fish at a time to your pond. The classic species (Carassius auratus) has the advantage of being able to withstand the cold and adapt to the size of the pond by stopping its growth. A goldfish can live 25 to 30 years and reach 40 cm in length in large ponds. Whatever the size of the pond, provide at least 0.3 m³ of water per fish. Beware of ornamental varieties such as sail tails or fish with bulging eyes (Lorgnette de Ciel, Uranoscope, telescope...) which are much more fragile and require much more heat than the typical species.

The melanot fish

Melanotas are easy to live with and do not fear the cold. Silver in color, they move briskly creating reflections under the surface of the water.

The Ide is a gregarious fish that needs others of its kind to be happy, introduce 5 ides at a time to the pond.

The Ide can live more than 20 years and reach 75 cm in length. Allow 1 m³ of water per fish and a depth of at least 80 cm of water.

Koi carp

The legendary Koi carp need the same volume of water as the Ide per fish. Revered in Japan, these colorful carp can reach 80 cm in length and weigh 8 kg.

This fish can withstand cold weather and live up to 50 years without worry, but the pond must be deep enough (at least 1.20 m).


The sturgeon is to be reserved for very large ponds because it can reach more than 3 meters in length for a weight of 300 kg. A total size of 25 m² and a depth of at least 1.20 m is required to accommodate this fish, which can withstand the cold very well in good conditions.

How do I introduce fish into my pond?

Introduce one species at a time, in small groups if the species is gregarious.

If there are already fish in the pond, make sure to choose a compatible species and introduce the new fish in small numbers.

Do not empty the bag of fish directly into the pond. Put it in the pond water for about half an hour to allow the temperature to adjust and the fish to get used to their new environment.

Then open the bag and add some water to the pond.

Wait another hour or so before releasing your fish.

Choosing the right fish for your pond

You have an ornamental pond and dream of putting fish in it. Questions then arise about the choice of species, their number and of course their possible agreement.

Fish in my pond

Subtle shimmering or brightly colored, fish complete the pond with their pleasant presence. The species chosen should be based on several criteria:

Cold resistance

In an outdoor pond, temperatures can sometimes drop to very low levels, so it is important to choose fish that are adapted to this situation. Avoid the original varieties of goldfish, such as the "Comêtes" with their beautiful sail-like fins, the black "Black Moor" with bulging eyes, or the "Tête de Lion". Choose hardy species such as the classic goldfish (Carassius auratus), Koi carp or sturgeon which are very resistant to cold.

The depth of the pond

If it freezes, the fish must be able to find refuge in the depths of a pond to avoid being caught in the ice. In cold regions the pond should be at least 80 cm deep to accommodate fish. Some species need depth throughout the year, such as the ide melanote or the sturgeon.

The agreement

Be careful, you should always ask before introducing a new species in a pond already inhabited. Some fish are very combative, others will have no qualms about eating other fish. So beware!

The volume of the pond

It is important to keep in mind that fish need space to live in harmony. For a small pond, prefer the classic goldfish which will be satisfied with 0.1 m³ per fish. This hardy fish has the ability to adapt its size to the space available. Koi carp will need much more space as three of them will need a volume of 5 m³. The ide melanote which is gregarious and needs other individuals of its species to survive as well as the sturgeon will only be introduced in very large ponds offering a surface of at least 20m² and a good depth.


The majority of the fishes require only limited care. Clean water and a well-maintained pond with a good ecological balance should be sufficient for their needs. Nevertheless, even if the fish feed on larvae, plants or algae, it will be necessary to distribute some food regularly. In winter, feeding will be much less restrictive or even non-existent except for sturgeon which must be fed all year long with special pellets. It is thus one of the most constraining fish.

Vegetating a pond

Whether it was created from scratch or is natural, a pond sometimes needs some small adjustments to accommodate both useful and ornamental plants.

What does revegetation consist of?

Revegetation is a term that designates the action of introducing non spontaneous plants into a specific environment. In the specific case of the pond, the plants used will be mainly aquatic. They will be chosen according to depth criteria, but also for their filtration and water purification properties in order to create a perfectly balanced biotope that will hardly need any maintenance. Let's not forget the ornamental side which should not be neglected to combine the useful with the pleasant!

A little help for nature

It is quite possible to let nature take over, but the result on an artificial pond is likely to be disappointing and very long to obtain.

A tarpaulin-covered soil does not allow for the immediate establishment of natural plants due to the lack of substrate. It will be necessary to integrate it beforehand to obtain a beautiful result quickly. Another parameter: the balance. It is much easier to balance the water by introducing cleaning, purifying and oxygenating plants. Some are spectacular or original and will add a touch of charm to the pond.

When and how to plant a pond?

The best time to plant is between March and June, depending on the hardiness of the species chosen. The plants then begin their growth period, and the temperature will soon allow for optimal development.

Always prefer to buy plants in containers rather than bare root plants which will have more difficulty to grow.

The ideal substrate should be composed of gravel, sand and good fertile soil. In the case of an artificial pond, it is preferable to prepare it before the water is put in to cover the walls. Don't forget to create "tiers" so that each plant can benefit from optimal growing conditions. Wait a couple of weeks before setting up the plants.

Start by installing the submerged plants, if necessary by emptying the pond a little. Plant according to the required depth directly in the substrate or in baskets weighted with stones. The baskets allow you to take out the most fragile plants during the bad season in order to protect them from freezing.

Then install border plants to create an attractive decor and maintain the banks. Wildlife will find it a peaceful refuge.

Then place floating plants on the surface of the pond, they will grow quickly.

What plants should be placed in a pond?

There is a wide choice, but we will only mention certain plants for their exceptional cleaning or ornamental qualities.

For the natural treatment of water, think of cattails, scirpus, phragmites or Phalaris but also Elodea and bladderworts.

For their outstanding ornamental qualities, pseudocarpus irises, water lilies, nelumbos and water hyacinths will have no equal.

Also consider decorating the banks with water marigolds (Caltha palustris), purple loosestrife, astilbe or even exuberant gunnere. The decor will be just as you expect!

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