A vegetable garden on the balcony

There is no reason to deprive yourself of the joy of harvesting fresh vegetables grown in a natural way just because you have a simple balcony. Both decorative and useful, this arrangement allows you to change the decor over the months while enjoying yourself, so don't hesitate any longer: transform your balcony into a vegetable garden!

Ideal conditions

To ensure an abundant harvest, a few simple principles must be respected:

Each type of plant has specific needs, so it is necessary to take an interest in their growing conditions in order to adapt the exposure, watering and nutrient supply in a targeted manner. Thus, on a balcony with a southern exposure and plenty of sunshine, you can try growing tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and even melons. Also think about ornamental squash that will take over in the fall, well attached to a trellis along a vertical wall.

In mid-shade, lettuces, radishes, watercress or spinach will perfectly match ornamental plants such as fuchsias, coleus or begonias that will bring a note of color to the whole.

Watering should never be neglected because unlike a traditional vegetable garden, the vegetables will grow in containers and will be subject to much greater evaporation. The pots should not be undersized to allow a good development of the root system.

Remember also to adapt the nature of the mix to the plant: tomatoes and melons, for example, require a very rich soil and consume a lot of nutrients, while aromatic plants such as thyme, rosemary, chives or mint require a lighter substrate, with the addition of sand to ensure good drainage. Once again, don't hesitate to ask about the growing conditions of each plant!

Finally, growth should be supported by very regular and targeted fertilization: leafy vegetables will appreciate a fertilizer with a high dose of nitrogen while fruits will need more potassium to ensure a good harvest. Preferably choose natural fertilizers used in organic agriculture and avoid the use of chemical pesticides. This way, you will grow healthy vegetables with a preserved taste.

A suspended but secure vegetable garden

Be careful, installing a vegetable garden on a balcony should not make you forget the obvious safety rules;
  • Avoid overloading the balcony and respect the rules in force in your condominium;
  • Avoid overloading the balcony and respect the rules in effect in your condominium; Favour containers made of light materials, keeping in mind that a maximum weight of 350 kg per average balcony is usually tolerated. This weight includes of course the substrate, the plant once developed and the container itself, not to mention the watering water that is added to these parameters;
  • Do not install planters on the side of the road and avoid planting heavy fruits such as watermelons which could be very dangerous if they fall.

A garden on my window

In the city, it is rare to have the chance to own a garden, or even a balcony. But don't let that stop you! A window sill will be enough to create a small green space despite everything.

A garden on a windowsill

A windowsill is a restricted space and is subject to a particular microclimate. The heat can be intense in the summer if the window is facing south, but the cold can be just as intense in the winter.

The rain, slowed down by the walls and the roof edges, waters the plants much less. You must therefore take all these parameters into account before you start.

Generally narrow, a windowsill must be well laid out to accommodate your miniature garden. You can choose between a simple planter or several small pots. The containers will be part of the decor and will be visible from inside the apartment, choose them to your taste and as an extension of your interior decor. The choice is vast: pewter, steel, colored PVC, or glazed terracotta, everyone will find happiness in the shelves of garden centers.

For safety reasons, remember to secure your pots so that they do not land on the head of a passer-by at the first gust of wind.

The different possibilities

Depending on the region, the climate but also the taste of each person, it is possible to create various kinds of 'gardens' on a windowsill:

Garden of herbs

Parsley, thyme, rosemary, oregano, mint, basil are all possibilities for a herb garden. The list is of course not exhaustive and can be enhanced with other herbs according to individual taste. In individual pots if they don't require the same watering conditions or in a common planter, it's up to you to compose your own fragrant decor!

Cactus garden

Ideal in the south and for a southern exposure, the cactus garden on a windowsill always looks good. You can vary the heights by giving verticality with candle cacti, oponces and Euphorbias and use spherical cacti in the foreground. If they like the growing conditions, they will bloom amazingly in the spring.

Flower garden

Use annuals or biennials to change your décor often. Viola, cyclamen, small bulbs such as muscaris or Iris reticulata will decorate your windows during the bad season. In summer, pelargoniums or surfinias falling in cascades, bacopas or 'Million Bells' will do well in a sunny window. For shade, choose fuchsias, impatiens or begonias. 

Foliage garden

For a windowsill, choose dwarf shrubs such as some conifers that will give verticality, then place at their feet plants with colored or variegated foliage to give brightness to the scene. Heuchers with deep and bright colors, artemisia or helichrysum with silver foliage, but also small variegated ivy will attract the eye on your windowsills.

A gourmet tree on my balcony

On the balcony, we often limit ourselves to small fruits because we think that fruit trees are reserved for the garden. This is not the case! Bright spring blooms, sweet and melting fruits and beautiful autumn foliage... on a sunny balcony, it would be a shame to go without a fruit tree!

Miniature fruit trees

For a few years now, it has been easy to obtain dwarf fruit trees, resulting from a selection of rootstocks and spontaneous mutations of fruit varieties. Apricot, almond, cherry, peach, pear and apple trees are making their way to the balcony for our pleasure.

In addition to their fruits, which are as large as those of "normal" trees, they offer a generous white or pink bloom depending on the subject chosen. Growing them in pots allows the earliest to benefit from the warmth of the walls or the quick installation of a winter cover in case of sudden cold.

Keys to success: fertile substrate. Mulching and copious watering in summer. Re-pot every 3-4 years.

Fig tree (Ficus carica)

A magnificent and ample cut foliage, sweet fruits nicely colored with green, purple and violet of the fig tree, by choosing varieties with low development it is possible to welcome a small fig tree on its balcony.

Some varieties: 'Brown Turkey', 'Brunswick', 'Dalmatie', 'Dorée', 'Madeline des Deux Saisons', 'Pastilière'.

Keys to success : deep pot (min 40 cm). Light, fertile substrate. Spaced out but copious watering. Organic fertilization at the end of winter. Pruning in spring when the sap rises. Good hardiness of the stump which starts again if there is a severe frost (-15°C).

Oleander (Laurus nobilis)

The laurel has a tough dark green evergreen foliage, supports perfectly the pruning and lends itself to take conical, pyramidal forms or on decorative stems all year long. Pick its leaves to flavor your best recipes!

Keys to success: fertile substrate. Regular watering all year round (if balcony is covered). Pruning in spring or late summer. Avoid cold drafts.

Staging idea

Your balcony is sunny and sheltered from the wind. Take advantage of this micro-climate to host one or two fruit trees adapted to small spaces (dwarf forms, columnar forms...). Accentuate the "miniature orchard" atmosphere with a few pots of small fruits (currants, blackcurrants, strawberries...) and two or three balls of boxwood. Combine these fruity flavors with aromatics (basil, chives, mint, thyme) and geraniums with fragrant foliage. Climbing nasturtiums and morning glory will complete this picture dedicated to the senses.

A tree on the balcony

As soon as a tree is installed on the balcony, it becomes the star of the show, creating a landscape all by itself. The presence of a tree also plays a protective, symbolic role, but not only because it avoids indiscreet glances, filters air currents and sifts the burning rays of the sun. It also brings relief and flexibility to the often strict and flat lines of a mineral urban setting.

Growing tips

Your tree must allow for good circulation on the balcony. If its adult dimensions seem too large, it should compensate by being able to withstand frequent and sometimes severe pruning. Note that growing it in a pot reduces its natural vigor.

Give it a container of choice. Harmonize the shape of the pot with the silhouette of the tree.

Choose a good quality, non-gelling material. Absolutely avoid water reserves as roots generally prefer a well-drained substrate, especially in winter.

The pot must be very stable to prevent the tree from tipping over (on the balcony, draughts are frequent and the wind load of a tree is important).

At the same time, buy useful accessories such as a tray with wheels for trees that need to be sheltered, a saucer to serve as a water reserve in summer...

Pamper your tree: respect its vital needs (substrate, exposure, watering, fertilization). In a pot, the reduced volume of soil increases the natural needs of the tree.

If the size of the pot does not allow for annual repotting, renew the substrate over a few centimeters (resurfacing). Never skimp on the quality of the soil!

In cold regions, swaddle the less hardy pots with several layers of wintering cloth.

Dress the base of the pot with small bulbs (muscaris, cyclamen, scillas, tulips and botanical daffodils), perennials with drooping foliage or a simple aesthetic mineral mulch (slate, oak chips, white gravel) when the roots are superficial and do not appreciate being disturbed.

Your tree will be the star of your balcony, so renew the decor around it regularly. There is no lack of ideas for the four seasons among the range of seasonal plants. Also think perennial scene with other permanent plants (roses, perennials, small shrubs, grasses, bamboo, pruned boxwood...). Over time, you will transform your balcony into a real mini-garden, a living room and the green soul of your home.

Small balcony idea: turn a small shrub, a shrubby perennial, an aromatic, a climber. Turn them into a miniature tree by removing the superfluous branches and creating a single stem that will act as a trunk. Some plants that lend themselves gracefully to this game: young wisteria, fuchsia, oleander, anthemis, solanum, lantana, velvetleaf, but also currant bushes, small conifers, pelargoniums!

Successfully growing bougainvillea in pots

Always sumptuously colored, the bougainvillea adorns the facades of houses in the Mediterranean basin with brio. In these countries with a mild climate, they grow in the open ground requiring practically no care to bloom abundantly each year. In pots, it's a different story...

Why grow a bougainvillea in a pot?

Bougainvillea is one of those plants that grow much better in the ground and should only be planted in a pot if absolutely necessary.

There are two reasons why a bougainvillea should be planted in a pot: lack of space (no garden) or climate (too cold).

It is important to be aware that the chances of success with this type of cultivation are slim, especially if the region is not suitable and you do not have a heated greenhouse, because the bougainvillea is originally from Brazil and needs a lot of heat and sun to flower and develop properly.

If your summer is hot and sunny, you can consider growing it on a balcony and then bring it inside during the cold season to protect it from frost.

Which pot ?

We often hear that bougainvillea blooms better in a narrow pot. This is not true! The root system is important and must be able to develop fully so that this climber, which can reach several meters in height, is at ease. Choose a large pot with a hole in the bottom to install your plant. The material does not matter. Just know that in a terracotta pot, evaporation will be more important, but gas exchanges will be better respected.

Which substrate ?

Plant your bougainvillea in a pot with a thick layer of clay balls at the bottom.

Choose a very good quality potting soil, or even better, organic garden soil in bags (nurseries, garden centers...). The latter holds moisture much better than most potting soils.

Add a little crushed horn and dried blood when planting.

Which exposure ?

Place your bougainvillea in full sun on a balcony, sheltered from prevailing winds. If necessary, install a windbreak to protect it.

What type of watering?

In summer and in pots, the bougainvillea must be watered very regularly so that the soil never dries out completely between two waterings. From autumn onwards, watering should be spaced out, especially if the plant is wintered in a cool place (between 10 and 12°C), it will then go into a resting period (the leaves will fall off) and a watering every 15 days/ 3 weeks will be sufficient.

Is it necessary to bring fertilizer?

Yes, and very regularly during the growth period. In liquid form after watering or in the form of dried blood scratched in the pot to feed this greedy plant. In period of rest, stop all the contributions of fertilizer.

What exposure for a lemon tree in a pot?

The lemon tree, because of its low hardiness, is cultivated in pots in most regions, which implies some particular growing conditions and a certain know-how regarding the exposure to obtain a good harvest.

A suitable pot

Whether it is comfortably installed in a large orangery-type container or in a large terracotta pot, the lemon tree remains a fruit tree whose roots need space to develop. In order to install your lemon tree in the best location for each season, consider placing it on wheels so that it can be moved easily, because for the roots to be comfortable, the pot will necessarily be quite heavy and bulky, especially once it is filled with moist substrate.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in spring

As soon as frost is no longer a concern and temperatures stabilize above 10°C night and day, you can consider putting your potted lemon tree on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. Be careful, once it is out of winter storage, it should be placed in full sun very gradually so as not to cause irreversible burns on the foliage, as the light indoors is rarely the same as outdoors. Start by putting it under a shelter (awning, roof overhang, covered terrace...) then, little by little, offer it the morning sun and finally a very sunny southern exposure, if possible protected from the prevailing winds. The period of habituation will extend over approximately one week to 10 days.

Start watering more regularly and add a mixture of crushed horn and dried blood after having made a good composting to promote the emission of new shoots and feed this greedy fruit tree.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in summer

In summer, the substrate dries out very quickly in pots, especially if the lemon tree is exposed to full sun and in a windy area. So beware!
  • In the northern regions, a full southern and sunny exposure can be maintained because it will guarantee a good fruiting but always at the price of a sustained watering! Be careful, watering must be correctly dosed to avoid drowning the roots and inducing asphyxia; let the substrate dry on the surface for 2 cm before watering again. At this time of the year, if there is some water left in the cup, there is no drama, especially when a thick draining layer (pozzolan, gravel, clay balls...) has been provided at the bottom of the pot. The residual water should evaporate in a few hours at most.
  • In southern regions, a full southern exposure and full sun is to be avoided because it would be too hot in the pot, even with an adapted watering.
  • In these regions, install your lemon tree facing East or West so that it benefits from at least 4 hours of sunlight in the morning or evening while protecting it from the burning rays of the midday. If this is not possible due to lack of space, install a shade cloth, an umbrella or even better, a camouflage net that allows air and a few sun rays to pass through without the situation remaining hot; all your other potted plants will benefit from this.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in autumn

  • In northern regions, at the very beginning of autumn, if the temperatures remain mild and above 8°C night and day, move your lemon tree to a south-facing position sheltered from the wind so that it can benefit from as much sun as possible before overwintering. You will then have to be very vigilant about the temperature so that it does not catch a cold!
  • In the southern regions, the sun can still hit very hard until the end of October, however, it becomes less scorching. A South-East or South-West exposure is recommended in September, then, from mid-October onwards, the lemon tree can be moved due south until the temperatures drop to 8°C at night. It will then be time to winterize it indoors.
In autumn, start spacing out the watering by watering only when the substrate is 3 cm dry on the surface, whether you grow your lemon tree in a northern or southern region.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in winter

In winter, the lemon tree grown in a pot should be installed away from frost, in a very bright and cool room, never in an apartment where the air is too hot and too dry and where the light will never be sufficient unless it is placed next to a south-facing bay window (beware of cold spells at night if the window is not protected by a shutter and curtains).

Choose an orangery if you are lucky enough to have one, a greenhouse, a veranda, or a winter garden. The luminosity should be maximum with if possible a few hours of full sun in the morning or afternoon. In the mildest regions, remember to ventilate the room often in hot and sunny weather, as temperatures can rise very quickly!

In cold weather, install a space heater so that temperatures never fall below 5°C.

The ideal temperature for the wintering of the lemon tree is between 5 and 14°C, the waterings will be then very reduced so that the substrate dries almost completely between two waterings. Obviously, during this period of rest in the cool, the contributions in fertilizers will be stopped.

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