Growing basil in a pot

Aromatic plant queen of the summer, the basil is not only cultivated in the vegetable garden. On a balcony or a terrace, it will find its place and will be thus within reach to decorate your salads or your cooked dishes.

When to sow basil in a pot ?

The sowing of basil can be carried out in the shelter in a premature way in mini heated greenhouse as of March. For direct sowing in pots on the balcony, wait until the temperatures have stabilized and there is no risk of frost. From then on, you can sow it until July to stagger the harvest.

Which varieties to sow?

In the kitchen, the two star varieties are 'Grand Vert' used in salads to accompany the famous mozzarella tomato or to make the pistou soup so dear to the heart of the Provençal people, and 'Fin vert' with its small leaves known for their even stronger flavor than the previous variety.

For its compact habit, ideal for the culture in pot, 'Dolly' produces very aromatic leaves, or still 'Finissimo Verde' which forms a compact ball of small very scented leaves. Those who like originality should consider 'Purple Opal' or 'Purpurascens', varieties with purple leaves that always make an impression, or 'Cinnamon' basil with a cinnamon flavor.

How to sow basil in a pot?

  • Prepare a mixture of 2/3 potting soil to 1/3 river sand.
  • Choose a 15 cm diameter terracotta pot and place a pebble over the hole at the bottom of the pot to prevent the substrate from escaping.
  • Fill the pot with the mixture to within 1 cm of the top edge.
  • Pack well and water to keep the substrate moist.
  • Sow your seeds half a centimeter apart and cover them with a thin layer of mixture.
  • Water lightly and place a plastic film or a glass plate on the pot to create a greenhouse effect that will help germination.
  • As soon as the seedlings appear, remove the protection and continue watering very often.

How to grow basil in a pot?

Basil needs a lot of sun to bloom, place the pot in a warm and sunny area. In these conditions, it will quickly get thirsty, so don't forget to water it very often so that the substrate never dries out completely between two waterings.

Cut the end of the stems regularly to induce the branching of the plant but also to prevent it from flowering, which would shorten its life.

Scratch a little ground horn every month at the base of your basil to support its growth.

Never let water stagnate at the bottom of the bowl.

Growing vines in pots

If you are not lucky enough to have a plot of land or even a small garden, do not give up the idea of growing a vine because it will grow very well in a pot on the balcony or terrace.

Characteristics of the vine

The grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is a vigorous climber that can, over the years, form an impressive vine. The pot and the location should be chosen according to these criteria.

Self-fertile, you will not need to install several plants to see it bear fruit. Only a very sunny and warm location will be absolutely necessary.

Choice of the location

As we have seen, the balcony or terrace should be well exposed and receive several hours of full sun per day. The vine climbs quickly and needs a support. On a terrace, an arbour or a trellis will do the trick. On a balcony, you can use the railing to make it run all along or install it along a wall by providing a solid trellis or wires stretched horizontally so that it clings to it with its tendrils.

Choice of the pot

The pot should be deep enough to allow the roots to sink into the substrate, but also to compensate for the plant's highly developed aerial part and thus keep it well balanced.

A container or a planter of 60 cm deep minimum will be perfect to cultivate your vine. Whatever the container, it should of course be pierced at the bottom, because the vine hates to have its roots constantly soggy, which could cause the appearance of various diseases.

Plantation of the vine in pot

  • Choose a variety adapted to the climatic conditions of your balcony and if possible resistant to the main diseases.
  • Provide a good drainage layer at the bottom of the pot (about 20% of the volume) with gravel or clay balls. Prepare a mixture of slightly clayey garden soil, potting soil and compost. Spread a layer of the mixture over the drainage bed.
  • Place the vine in the center of the container and adjust its height so that only the roots remain well buried.
  • Start to fix the stems on their support, they will then climb by themselves.
  • Pack the substrate and water.

The culture of the vine in pot

Once installed in a sunny place, the vine will need little care, however watering should be a little more frequent than in the ground but it will support the drought for a short period. Train the new shoots as they appear and prune in winter.

Growing plants in pots

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a garden. Potted plants allow you to bring nature into your home, but also to extend the pleasure on a balcony or even a terrace. In pots, plants are far from their natural growing conditions, the difficulty being to recreate them and to ensure the necessary contributions to their survival

A reasoned choice

The plant coveted in the garden center must correspond to the conditions of luminosity, heat and hygrometry of its future location. This way you will have more chances on your side for the success of its culture in pot. For example, it is useless to grow cacti in a dark and cool apartment or fuchsias in full sun on a south-facing terrace. The choice of the plant is thus crucial for the future success.

A suitable substrate

Growing in a pot means knowing the exact needs of each plant in order to choose the right substrate. A plant installed in the garden will have a huge amount of soil at its disposal, it can spread its roots as it pleases, deep or on the surface to find the necessary nutrients. This is not the case for our potted subject, which will depend on the quantity and quality of the substrate offered in a more or less narrow container. The key word is always the same: adaptation to the needs!

Always ask about the needs of the plant and compose its substrate according to its needs: very light by adding sand, very fertile based on potting soil and organic amendments, neutral, acid, limestone ... The same goes for the container: plants with taproots will need a very deep pot, while those with weak development will be satisfied with a half pot.

Controlled watering

Potted plants must always be watered more than the same species in the ground. Evaporation is much more important under these growing conditions, especially in the case of potted plants installed on a terrace sheltered from rainfall but exposed to full sun and drying winds. The roots are very quickly dry and surrounded by a container that heats up quickly, without regular watering the catastrophe will happen very quickly.

In apartments, watering should also be adapted. First of all to the cultivated variety, but also to the exposure and the heating method. The dry air emitted by electric heaters is harmful to most of the so-called "green" plants, which are often tropical plants that appreciate a high level of humidity. To compensate for the lack of humidity, you can install the greediest plants on large plates filled with clay balls that are kept constantly moist and baste their foliage twice a week. Be careful, however, never to leave stagnant water in the saucers after watering, as this could cause your plant to rot very quickly due to asphyxiation of the roots.

A regular supply of nutrients

As we have seen, potted plants quickly exhaust the few reserves present in the soil. To make up for this lack, there is nothing like a regular addition of adapted fertilizer during the growth period. For green plants, a fertilizer rich in nitrogen (N) is preferable, while for flowering plants the dose of potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) is more important. Always look at the N-P-K ratio on the package.

Create a beautiful spring planter

With the return of the warm weather, the desire to put flowers on your balcony is growing. Here are a few tips to create a harmonious and long-lasting planter that will keep you happy all season long!

Choosing plants

Faced with the abundant stalls of garden centers or nurseries, it is sometimes difficult to decide.

To make sure you don't make a mistake, find out the needs of the plants you want and check that they are well suited to the exposure of your balcony.

To create a composition, don't forget that the plants you choose must have roughly the same cultural needs to be grown in the same planter. So, avoid mixing plants that appreciate shade and a humid substrate with cacti for example, the result might be aesthetically pleasing but your planter would not last very long!

Colors and shapes

Always try to create harmonious compositions by using plants whose shapes and colors match, for this, consult the color wheel to get inspiration. You can also link flowering plants with ornamental foliage such as Dichondra 'Silver Falls' with its drooping habit and soft silver color that will soften a combination of red petunias and yellow coreopsis for example.

For a full sun exposure, the combination of white verbena forming a round cousin of flowers and a 'Black Tone' ipomea with dark purple drooping foliage will also be a good idea. You can also combine petunias and surfinias because there are many varieties, with single or double flowers and in all colors. This way, you can create a composition full of pep in red, yellow or orange shades, or a romantic garden in pinks and blues.

In the shade, think of drooping fuchsias and blue lobelias, which always make an impact when combined. The latter, in white, will go perfectly with purple or bright red New Guinea impatiens. Think of coleus, with their ever-surprising foliage, sometimes tricolored, and which give height to the background of the decor. Also include Indian mint in your compositions for its long cascades of fragrant leaves. Begonias also appreciate half-shaded exposures, just like the bacopas with which they can be associated. Thus a very double pink begonia 'Pendula' will do wonderfully with a bacopa with a soft lilac tint, add a white lobelia for its vaporous structure and you're done!

Choosing a container

Choose a nice size planter if you want to create an abundant composition. If the container is too small, the root system will gradually colonize the substrate, which will dry out too quickly and will be much less fertile. The plants will not be able to develop properly. It is therefore better to plan large!

The substrate

Choose a substrate adapted to the plants you want to grow. For flowering plants, choose a good potting soil containing slow-release fertilizer balls, which will nourish them as needed. However, do not forget to add fertilizer regularly after one month of cultivation, because nutrients are quickly depleted in pots.

Create beautiful planters

From mid-May, the risk of frost is over, garden centers offer you a vast choice of plants that allow you to create compositions with perennials, annuals, foliage plants, mixtures of colors and textures, flower shapes, plant origins.

Be creative! But before you start, here are a few tips to help you create beautiful planters of about 50 centimeters:

Choose a quality potting soil by asking for advice at your point of purchase.

Incorporate a slow-release fertilizer into the potting soil that will provide "food" for your plants all season long and make maintenance easier.

Explore the different types of planters available to you: enamel, plastic, terra cotta, zinc or, why not, wood. Try out the plants you have chosen in the planter before planting, to make sure your choices are right.

Place your plants in two rows, the first row being the place of choice for hanging plants and the second row being recommended for upright plants. This way, you have a front and a back row, and your planter becomes a 600 square centimeter mini-mass!

Always think of a plant with foliage, which highlights the flowering plants and gives more lightness to the association: Festucaglauca, Plectranthus, Helichrysumitalicum, Carexbuchananii, variegated mint, Helichrysum microphylla.

A touch of white is essential for very bright colors or too dark, it softens the whole and brings clarity.

Choose carefully the plants you associate: avoid associating a plant with a very strong development with a plant with a small development, otherwise the first one will take over the second one and you will obtain an unbalanced association. Ask your horticulturist or the department manager of the garden center for advice.

Think about the evolutionary side of the planter, it is not necessary to have all the plants flowering at the same time. Play on the early season to be able to discover other flowers during the season.

How to winterize an osteospermum in a pot ?

Originally from South Africa, the Cape Daisy is not a hardy plant, it can only stay in the garden in winter in regions where frost does not occur. Everywhere else it is advisable to grow it in a pot in order to winter it in a sheltered place to preserve it from one year to another.

A good cleaning

Everything starts with a good cleaning. Your plant has just spent a season in the garden blooming abundantly and offering a breathtaking spectacle under the sun. Because the flowers of the Dimorphoteca (another name for the Cape Daisy), only open in the sun, which is one of their particularities.

In autumn, it is time to cut off all the faded flowers but also to remove the dried or yellowed leaves. Clear the center by cutting off any stunted or criss-crossing stems and then prune the plant along the contour of the pot, which will save you space when storing.

As for the height of pruning, cut at about 15 cm from the base without worrying, your plant will branch out more beautifully the following spring.

Now, take care of the soil by removing all the plant residues present on its surface. Take advantage of this to pull out any unwanted weeds that may have invaded the plant to limit competition for water and nutrients with your plant during its wintering.

Then check the general health of the plant, even if the osteospermum is rarely visited by parasites. However, spray nettle manure as a preventive and natural insecticide. If you find traces of diseases or parasites, remove as many affected parts as possible, treat with plant purines and quarantine the plant, as it would soon contaminate all the other overwintered plants. Indeed, confined in a room, and even more so if it is heated, the plants have a hard time being protected by the natural predators of their parasites present outside. The heat provides a favorable ground for the development of dormant larvae: beware!

Once the cleaning of the plant is done, let's go to the pot which can also shelter some snails or slugs hidden on the shady side or under the pot. Use a sponge with black soap and warm water on the outside of the pot. This will remove moss and tiny parasite larvae and eggs that may be hiding there.

Wintering osteospermum in a room

Choose a frost-free room to overwinter the Cape Daisy. If it is cold (not less than 5°C), it will endure it as long as it does not freeze and the substrate remains almost dry.

It is therefore unnecessary to water it and even less to bring fertilizer to it.

If you winter it in a greenhouse or heated veranda, water once every 10 to 15 days when the substrate starts to dry completely. Never leave water in the cup during wintering.

In the spring, when all risk of frost has been eliminated, bring your plant out again and gradually get it used to full sun. You will be able to water it again normally and to make a good contribution of dried blood and powder of crushed horn to see it starting again and blooming abundantly.

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