Small-leafed lime tree, Tilia cordata : botanical card

Small-leafed lime: a species that is not very widespread

The small-leaf lime tree is not very widespread in Brittany. It would seem, however, that it was much more present during the Neolithic period.  However, it has only been maintained naturally on good soils, which are mainly located in the Rennes basin and the south-east of the Ile et Vilaine. Rare, it is thus necessary to work for its preservation.

Description of the small-leaf lime tree

The small-leaf linden is characterized by an exceptional longevity, up to five centuries.

It climbs very high (about 20 meters). The oldest lime trees exceptionally reach 30 meters.

The leaf is heart-shaped. The underside has reddish-blond hairs at the intersections of the veins.

The buds have two visible scales, green or reddish.

The hermaphrodite flowers appear late (July). Odorous, they are grouped in bouquets.

The fruits, globular winged seeds with protruding ribs, are grouped by 3 or 5.

Note: the linden appreciates a semi-shaded exposure to grow. Its growth is moderate but continuous.

Diseases and pests of the small-leaf basswood

The lime tree's enemies are mainly aphids and mealy bugs, attracted by the sap, but we can also meet :
  • mites, which cause galls on the foliage ;
  • caterpillars of the bucephale responsible for some defoliations, without great consequence;
  • lower fungi, not very damaging.

The qualities of the wood of small-leafed lime

The wood of small-leaf lime is clear, yellowish, soft and homogeneous: it is easy to work.

It is not recommended for outdoor use. It is therefore mainly used for the manufacture of toys, brush handles, mouldings, pencils, matches or spools. It is also very popular in the field of violin making and carving.

It provides an excellent charcoal and its fibrous bark was once used to make ropes, bags and sandals.

Its melliferous and fragrant flowers are used in perfumery and in herbal tea for their anti-spasmodic and diuretic properties.

Planting advice for the small-leaf linden

The small-leaf linden can withstand very cold weather, but it can't stand dry air and high temperatures.

It likes fresh or even humid, deep, well-drained soils, preferably neutral to calcareous.

10 shrubs to cut this summer

Summer is the ideal time to take cuttings from certain shrubs that will take advantage of the mild temperatures to put down roots very quickly.

1- The hydrangea 

(Hydrangea) is a very floriferous shrub that appreciates half-shaded exposures and acidic soils. The classic hydrangea (H. macrophylla) produces large white, pink or blue inflorescences from June to September, depending on the type of soil and the variety. The climbing hydrangea (H. petiolaris) wonderfully dresses up north-facing walls with its vaporous cream-colored flowers in June. The semi-hipped stem cuttings are very easy to take.

2- The rose 

(Rosa) comes in many species and varieties. You just have to take a 15 cm long branch still green or half-bearded with eyes, to remove the basal leaves and the possible flowers then to plant the cutting in a pot containing a light mixture.

3- Buddleia 

is a shrub famous for its colorful spike-like inflorescences that attract butterflies and other pollinating insects. Very easy to make a success of, the cutting can be done on a still green, semi-hardened, simple or heeled branch.

4- The oleander 

is one of the stars of the gardens of the South of France, which it magnifies with its delicately fragrant flowers from May to October. Ideal for forming beautiful flowering hedges, it can also be grown in large pots in colder regions. A simple 15 cm stem tip placed in a glass of water will soon put down roots.

5- Fuchsia 

comes in a multitude of species and cultivars with very attractive and colorful blooms. Hardy, bushy fuchsias, or varieties ideal for hanging baskets because of their drooping habit: there is something for everyone! A simple 10 cm semi-sprouted branch will soon give you a plant identical to the mother plant.

6- The snowberry 

is a charming shrub that produces small flowers in summer and very decorative white, pink or red berries in autumn. Birds love it, which makes it a perfect subject for an open hedge. Cuttings can be taken from semi-hardened branches in August.

7- St. John's Wort 

forms a spreading bush with pretty yellow flowers throughout the summer. It is maintenance free and can be grown in most soils, making it the ideal shrub for beginners. Take Augusted branches at the end of summer to cut it.

8- The flowering currant 

(Ribes sanguineum) is a shrub with very generous white, pink or red flowers, emitting a sweet smell of blackcurrant. It produces bluish berries in autumn, very appreciated by birds. The cuttings of half-hardened branches take root very quickly in summer.

9- The skimmia 

embalms the spring with its orange blossom fragrance produced by its white starry flowers. In winter the plant is very appreciated for its bright red berries. This shrub is ideal in a free hedge in an acidic soil. The semi-hardened branches are very easy to cut in summer.

10- Rosemary 

is an aromatic and medicinal plant that needs no introduction. Forming bushes covered with bluish flowers, sometimes upright and sometimes creeping, depending on the variety, it can be cut from semi-arched stems as early as July.

10 shrubs with decorative fruits

Shrubs are appreciated for the beauty of their foliage or the abundance of their flowers, but we sometimes forget that some have very ornamental fruits. Let's take a look at these shrubs with decorative fruits...

1. The snowberry 

The snowberry is a very vigorous, hardy and robust shrub that accepts most soils and even appreciates limestone. In full sun or half-shade, the snowberry is precious for its round pearly white or pink pearl-like berries that will adorn the garden throughout the bad season.

2. Japanese dogwood 

Japanese dogwood (Cornus Kousa) has a graphic flared habit and blooms spectacularly beginning in June. From fall to winter, pink lychee-shaped fruits adorn this exceptional shrub. Plant it in partial shade or full sun in humus-rich neutral or acidic soil.

3. The blue bean tree

 The blue bean tree, Decaisnea fargesii is a deciduous shrub that can reach 6 m in all directions. Clusters of greenish flowers are followed by slate-colored bean-like fruits from September to December. Hardy and easy to grow, it adapts to all types of soil and grows well in partial shade.

4. The clergy tree 

The clergy tree (Clerodendrum trichotomum) is a shrub not often planted in gardens, yet it has many qualities. Its white, starry and fragrant flowers appear at the end of summer and are followed by very decorative, dark blue berries, surrounded by an open fuchsia pink capsule that serves as a case for them. Rustic, it appreciates a rich and drained soil remaining fresh and a sunny exposure.

5. The Pheasant Tree

The Pheasant Tree (Leycesteria formosa) blooms from June to September in very ornamental red drooping clusters. The purplish red fruits, very appreciated by the birds, will follow them during the bad season. Very hardy (-20°C), it doesn't suffer from any parasite or disease attack and grows as well in half-shade as in full sun in all types of soils remaining cool.

6. The elder 

The elder is a shrub that grows by itself and without maintenance in most soils and under all exposures. Very hardy and vigorous, it produces umbels of white flowers in summer, followed by round, black berries that birds love.

7. The shrubby fusain 

The shrubby fusain (Euonymus phellomanus) spreads over 4 m in all directions and is suitable for most gardens, except in the South of the country because it does not tolerate heat and drought. This bushy shrub blooms in September and then covers itself with amazing red fruits topped with pink arils. It appreciates cool and rich soils and a half-shady exposure.

8. The candy shrub 

The candy shrub (Calicarpa bodinieri) is a small bushy shrub which appreciates half-shade and cool grounds. Very ornamental, it is covered with lilac-pink flowers from June to October and then with round berries of a beautiful purple.

9. The mahonia

The mahonia is precious for its winter flowering in golden clusters, followed by bluish pruney fruits very appreciated by birds. Hardy and easy to grow, this beautiful shrub has evergreen foliage. It is content with most soils and exposures.

10. The arbutus 

The arbutus appreciates all types of well-drained soils and full sun. In these conditions, this shrub with an erect habit and decorative bark can reach 4 m in height. The orange, spherical and warty fruits adorn the garden during the bad season, they are edible.

10 ground cover shrubs

Very useful to occupy the ground in areas where you want to do without the chore of weeding, ground cover shrubs offer a ready-made solution. Appreciate them for what they're worth, and they'll give you back.

Creeping rosemary

Creeping rosemary (Rosmarinus prostratus) is a small shrub with a creeping habit that is very popular as a honey plant that attracts pollinating insects and as a condiment and medicinal plant. It thrives in all types of well-drained soils, even poor ones, as long as it is placed in full sun.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort does not exceed 60 cm in height but spreads over several meters covering the ground with its bright yellow flowers from June to September. The stolons allow him to trace on a beautiful distance as well as to multiply it very easily. Planted in semi-shade or full sun, it supports all types of soil, even poor ones.

The creeping ceanothus

The creeping ceanothus (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var repens) is an evergreen shrub which is covered with clouds of blue flowers in May/June. In rock gardens as well as in a bed or on a slope, it covers the ground in the most beautiful way. It accepts all types of well-drained soil and is equally at home in full sun or part shade.

The creeping juniper

The creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis) does not exceed 30 cm in height but can easily spread out to nearly 2m. This fragrant conifer accepts all types of well-drained soils, even dry and poor. Hardy, easy to grow and maintain, it will not give you any trouble and its evergreen foliage will accompany you in all seasons.

The creeping broom

The creeping broom (Cytisus kewensis) has fluffy leaves and a creeping habit, since despite its low height (0.25cm) it spreads over 1.5m. Amazing, the cream/greenish flowers literally cover the plant in May. It thrives in drained, poor soil and full sun.

Creeping Honeysuckle

Creeping Honeysuckle (Lonicera pileata) is an excellent shade-loving ground cover, making it ideal to grace the base of tall trees. The small glossy green leaves provide a very dense cover and provide shelter for many small animals. It is not picky about the soil as long as it stays cool.

The ground cover rose

The ground cover rose is ideal for covering an embankment or as a border for beds and paths. There are many varieties of this rose, not exceeding 50 cm and spreading over about 1 m². The Fairy', with its very double, soft pink flowers, is probably the most famous of them. Roses like full sun and rich, drained soil in which they will give their best.

Cotoneaster dammeri 

Cotoneaster dammeri is a vigorous shrub that spreads quickly to at least two meters despite its 25 cm height. Evergreen, its glossy green foliage is covered with melliferous flowers in June and then with pretty red berries that birds love. Very tolerant of exposure and soil type, it does best in cool, fertile soil but bears fruit best in full sun.

The Sawara cypress

The Sawara cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera Kaatje) has a drooping, prostrate habit that is perfect for adorning rock gardens, embankments and beds. Its filiform and persistent foliage remains elegant in all circumstances. Hardy and easy to grow, it appreciates an acidic, drained but cool soil and a sunny exposure.

The birch leaf spirea

The birch leaf spirea (Spiraea betulifolia) reaches 80 cm in all directions and presents a dense and compact foliage which becomes flamboyant in autumn. This shrub appreciates cool and even humid soils but always well drained. In full sun, you will enjoy its corymbs of white flowers, very appreciated by butterflies, from May.

10 Pollution Resistant Shrubs

In the city, pollution often reigns supreme, harming living organisms, including plants of course. Here is a selection of 10 shrubs that tolerate these difficult conditions.

The forsythia

The forsythia is one of the first shrubs to light up the spring with its yellow flowers appearing well before the foliage. Very hardy, it can be planted in any garden, in semi-shade or full sun and in all types of soil.

The lilac

The lilac perfumes the gardens from April. Its blue, purple, pink or white flowers in clusters are a visual and olfactory wonder. It appreciates neutral to calcareous drained soils and sunny exposures to bloom well. Very hardy, it resists to temperatures of -20°C.

The skimmia

The skimmia is a very ornamental shrub by its splendid and fragrant spring flowering in white stars, followed by flamboyant red berries which will color your winter. The skimmia likes neutral to acid soil and does not tolerate limestone, it appreciates half-shade. Hardy and resistant to diseases and pests, it is an ideal subject for beginners.

The Japanese hornbeam

The Japanese hornbeam is an ideal shrub for mixed hedges or as an isolated subject. It can reach 3m in height and is adorned with golden yellow pompons in spring. Hardy, resistant to almost everything, easy to grow, it appreciates drained and fertile soils and a sunny exposure.


Sarcococca is an evergreen shrub, precious for its bewitchingly fragrant bloom in the middle of winter. Ornamental berries will follow this one, adding further appeal to this easy-to-grow, maintenance-free plant. An ordinary, neutral to acidic, well-drained soil and a semi-shaded exposure will suit it perfectly.

The pieris blooms

The pieris blooms abundantly in spring in clusters of white bells. Very resistant and hardy, it can withstand both drought and wind without flinching. An acid and fresh soil will suit it perfectly as well as a half-shaded exposure.

The buddleia

The buddleia or 'butterfly tree', attracts pollinating insects to its clusters of white, purple or pink scented flowers all summer long. It tolerates all types of soil, heat and wind and thrives in full sun where it will grow to a height of up to 5 m in all directions. It is an ideal hedge subject.

The broom

The broom will find its place as well in free hedge as in bed or in rockery. Its delicately scented bright yellow flowers signal the return of the beautiful season. In full sun in neutral or acid soil, it will grow even if the soil is poor and very drained.

The althea

The althea is an easy to grow shrub despite its exotic look. Very hardy, it likes full sun in any type of well-drained soil, even limestone. It then covers itself with white, pink or purple flowers all summer long without needing any particular care.

The deutzia

The deutzia is covered with white or pink flowers in spring. Its rapid growth, its resistance and its ease of cultivation make it an ideal subject for beginners, especially as it is happy with all types of soil and most exposures.

Fast growing trees and shrubs

When you buy a piece of land or after the construction of your house, you want to enjoy a beautiful garden quickly. Impatient gardeners, here is a selection of trees and shrubs that will live up to your expectations!

Structure the decor

Trees and shrubs are the structure of a garden setting. They are perennial elements that will remain in place for many years and will grow in size over time. Think carefully about their size once they are mature before introducing them. If necessary, make a plan to better visualize what it could look like to adapt the other elements of the garden such as beds, rock gardens, paths or flowerbeds to their position.

Conditions for success

Our selection presents subjects that will grow relatively quickly. However, never forget that to ensure full success, the plants must be adapted to the soil of your garden (soil, region, altitude, exposure) and that they must be well watered the two years following planting to allow them to grow harmoniously.

Fast growing trees and shrubs

The trees

Catalpa: a very ornamental spreading tree that can reach 15 meters in height for as much spreading. Very hardy (up to -25°C), it appreciates well-drained soils and a half-shade or sunny exposure. Its clusters of white flowers tinted with purple inside unfold in summer.

The weeping willow: magnificent and ideal at the edge of a large body of water or on a humid site, the weeping willow is a fast-growing tree that can reach 25 meters in height and 20 meters in spread. A plantation in the sun suits it well.

The Eucalyptus: to be reserved for the southern regions, except for the few rustic species. It can reach an impressive height (100 m) if the conditions of culture are suitable. A location in full sun and a rich and fresh soil is required.

Cypress: some species are ideal for hedges, others are preferred as isolated specimens. Cypresses are not very fussy about the soil, but appreciate full sun. They are very hardy and can be planted in most regions.


Black elder : it is the ideal shrub for beginners. It likes most soils and regions but prefers a sunny location. Its rounded shape and dark purple foliage make it a first choice ornamental subject.

Serviceberry: It has a spectacular starry bloom and is adorned with flamboyant shades in the fall. Its purple berries are also very ornamental. It appreciates a fresh, fertile, deep and slightly acid soil. It can be planted in semi-shade or full sun.

Spirea: many species and varieties of spirea are available on the market. The flowerings in bunches or in corymbs cover a wide range of colors. Very hardy, spireas are easy to grow and are happy with most soils. They appreciate a sunny or half-shade exposure.

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