Decorative flowering dogwoods

With these dogwoods we will speak rather of inflorescences than of flowers in the botanical sense of the term because the flowers themselves are insignificant. It is the whole formed by the flowers and the bracts which is ornamental on the dogwoods.

On the dogwoods with decorative flowers, the inflorescences appear in spring or in summer, which allows, by varying the species, to extend the flowering period. All dogwoods then bear fruits that are more or less attractive and sometimes even edible.
  • The strawberry dogwood (Cornus capitata) owes its name to its large spherical fruits that look like strawberries in the fall. This bushy shrub can reach a height of 12 m for as much spread, so it is to be reserved for large gardens!
Native to China and the Himalayas, it is covered with creamy white or yellowish bracts in summer.
  • The flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is a shrub that can reach 8 m in height. Its conical habit is one of its assets, completed by its white inflorescences in 'Cherokee Princess' or 'White Cloud', bright pink in 'Cherokee Chief', 'Welchii' or 'Rubra' or yellow in 'Hohman's Gold'. The leaves of this beautiful shrub turn crimson red in the fall, which adds to its charm.
  • Cornus Kousa, is not to be outdone in terms of flowering, since this shrub with a conical shape and a cracked trunk is covered with white inflorescences in June on the typical species, but which can be yellowish on 'China girl' or bright pink on the variety 'Satomii'. This species includes many cultivars with variegated foliage, which does not spoil anything!
  • Cornus nuttallii also has a conical habit and can reach up to 12 m in height. It is covered with beautiful white inflorescences, sometimes tinged with pink in spring. The variety 'Colrigo Giant' has large creamy white inflorescences resembling buttercup flowers.
  • Cornus Porlock is prized for its spreading habit. This imposing tree can reach 10 m in height and 5 m in spread and presents white bracts turning to salmon pink in May.

Planting decorative dogwoods

The planting of flowering dogwoods is a little more delicate than that of other species because some of them require an acid, fertile, humusy and very well drained soil. This is the case of Cornus capitata, Cornus florida and Cornus nuttallii. Beware of Cornus Canadensis which only tolerates very acid and humid soils!

Daphnes, shrubs with an extraordinary fragrance

Varieties of Daphne

Daphnes, most of which come from Asia, are plants known for their extraordinary fragrance.

Among them, we find in particular :
  • Daphne odora: the most classic and most fragrant of the daphnes; the one from our grandmothers' gardens. The most sold variety is Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata', with leaves edged with a small yellow border.
  • Daphne 'Perfume Princess': a hybrid daphne that appeared a few years ago and is gaining recognition for its larger flowers, longer blooming time and interesting citrus scent. Another advantage is its resistance to sudden dieback.
  • Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' and Daphne 'Pink Fragrance' are English varieties with white flowers for the first one, and with pink-purple flowers for the second one. Their perfume is not comparable to the first two daphnes. On the other hand, their flowering is very long (3 to 4 months, even more) and they are also small shrubs less complicated to grow than Daphne odora.

The culture of Daphne

Daphne are known to be difficult to grow. Even at the nursery, it is sometimes difficult to keep beautiful Daphnes in pots. The problem comes from a fungus present in the soil, belonging to the Phytophthora family which, when a plant is stressed, will be able to penetrate the roots, block the whole vascular system of the plant and prevent the sap from circulating. The affected daphne will wither in two or three days, often at the first heat stroke.

The stress which weakens the plant at the beginning is often due to the excess of water which asphyxiates the roots. Degraded, they then let in the fungi.

To avoid that, it is necessary to cultivate the daphne in a light but rich and fresh soil, of forest type. On clay soil, it is recommended to plant the daphne on a mound, to mulch the soil with an organic mulch (lawn clippings, RCW, straw) to keep it fresh and, when planting, to make good amendments such as compost.

The ideal exposure for daphnes

  • In regions with hot summers, prefer half-shade (sun in the morning, shade in the afternoon), or even total shade.
  • In regions where summer temperatures do not exceed 25°C, it is possible to expose them to full sun.

The dimensions of the daphne

  • Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' : shrub of 80 cm high;
  • Daphne 'Perfume Princess' : 1,20 high ;
  • Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' and Daphne 'Pink Fragrance': dome-shaped shrubs which, at the age of 5 to 7 years, will measure 70 cm high with a 70 cm spread.

Maintenance of Daphne

Daphnes grow rather slowly. They do not require any particular maintenance. In the middle of winter, don't hesitate to make bouquets with 2 or 3 branches.

Note: Daphne wood is toxic (few pests).

Multiplication of Daphne

You can take cuttings from unprotected varieties (without patent), such as Daphne odora. Proceed in early autumn. Be careful, transplanting is delicate; do it in early spring.

Grevilleas, growing tips

Grevilleas have a strong point: they bloom almost all year round. You can have flowers from March to June/July and from September to November.

There are varieties with large red flowers but also varieties with much smaller flowers.

All Grevilleas are evergreen shrubs, very easy to grow.

The variety shown can grow to about 2 m high and 2.50 m wide, if grown in the ground. Often, Grevilleas are wider than they are tall.

Pot cultivation is possible but gives smaller subjects than in the open ground: 1.80 m high for 1.25 to 1.50 m wide.

When should I prune my Grevilleas?

The question is not insignificant, considering its long flowering period.

In fact, it is enough to intervene as soon as a flowering ends, whatever the time of the year. Take advantage of this to give it a rounded shape, always pruning after a leaf or after a young shoot.

Low maintenance for Grevilleas

Grevilleas are Australian plants that require little maintenance.

For one thing, they are very drought resistant once they are well established.

On the other hand, they do not require any fertilizer. Indeed, most plants from Australia do not like phosphorus. Since our fertilizers often include a portion of phosphorus, we do not fertilize!

For a culture in pot, the mixture to offer to its grévilléa is simple: compost, heather soil, and a little vegetable soil to give a little more body to the mixture and to avoid that it is too draining. The whole thing is placed on a bed of clay or pozzolan balls placed at the bottom of the pot, for drainage.

Grevilleas are not very hardy

The hardiness of Grevilleas is around -5 / -8°C. In the Paris region, it is therefore grown in pots rather than in the ground.

If you have a sheltered terrace, it is not necessarily necessary to bring it inside during winter, the ideal being to have an unheated veranda.

Watering for potted plants

In summer, it is necessary to water every two days and, in winter, once a week minimum. Unlike Mediterranean plants, we do not wait for the soil to dry out; the substrate must always be slightly humid.

Perennial and hardy hibiscus

The vast genus Hibiscus is divided into nearly 200 species, some of which are perennial and hardy. These hibiscus can be planted in the garden and bloom even more abundantly each year. Discover them...

The hardy shrubby hibiscus

Shrubby hibiscus grow on woody stems that remain in place from one year to the next. Very hardy (-15 °C), tolerant of all kinds of soil, even limestone, they are wonderful in mixed hedges, at the bottom of a bed, or as an isolated subject on a lawn.

Hibiscus syriacus, also known as 'Tree Mallow' or 'Althea' is an upright shrub with dark green deciduous leaves. This species is native to an area stretching from India to China, where it can grow to nearly 3 meters in height and 2 meters in spread. The dark pink flowers with purple center in corollas of 8 cm in diameter follow one another without interruption from July to the first frost. Innumerable varieties have been created, with double flowers as in 'Jeanne d'Arc' of white color or 'Leopoldii' pink spotted with red. The most classic single flowered varieties are 'Blue bird' with blue/purple flowers and a red center, or 'Hamabo' with large pale pink flowers spotted with red.

Hibiscus sinosyriacus is a very hardy species that grows quite fast and produces flowers early. Very easy to grow, it requires almost no maintenance.

The pink flowers follow one another from the end of April to September on this shrub which can reach 3 m height.

Hibiscus paramutabilis is a shrub native to China that can be considered in most regions where frost does not last too long; it is hardy to -10 °C.

This species can reach 4 m in all directions if planted in rich and well-drained soil. This hibiscus has light green palmate and pubescent leaves and is covered with white flowers with a red center 12 cm in diameter from July to October.

Hardy herbaceous hibiscus

Some species and varieties of hibiscus have a woody stem, but their aerial parts are herbaceous and disappear in winter, only to grow back when temperatures are very mild. With spectacular flowers, these hibiscus need sun and a cool, very fertile soil. Mulch the plants in winter to protect them.

Hibiscus coccineus is an herbaceous perennial native to the swampy areas of the southeastern United States. Growing up to 2 m tall, this hibiscus has hemp-like leaves and bright red flowers 20 cm in diameter that bloom from July to September. It can withstand temperatures as low as -12 °C.

Hibiscus moscheutos otherwise named 'Hibiscus of the marshes' is a perennial plant appreciating the watery grounds. It is thus ideal in edge of basin. The flowering in flattened cups of 25 cm of diameter is always spectacular, that it is red, white or pink. The plant can reach 1,5 m in all directions, in one season. As of the first frosts, the aerial parts disappear to reappear only late in the following spring.


Hydrangeas are a large family of which the most famous are the ones with big pompons. They come in many species and varieties. Whether they are bushy, climbing or shrubby, hydrangeas will continue to amaze us!

A vast family

Some people make the distinction between "hydrangeas" and "hydrangeas", but they are one and the same perennial plant belonging to the Hydrangea genus. The term "Hydrangea" is simply the common name for this well-known plant. There are many species in the Hydrangea genus, each with its own particular characteristics.

Hydrangea macrophylla

This is the most common plant of the genus, the one we call "hydrangea" in common language. This shrubby species with large leaves can reach up to 2 meters in height and spread when the conditions are favorable, that is to say in fresh, humus and acid soil. It is recognizable by its big balls of blue, pink or white flowers carried by rigid but hollow stems. This species blooms on the branches of the previous year, a late pruning or a frost can then compromise the bloom of the year.

Hydrangea petiolaris

This climbing species of strong development is ideal to cover a support along a wall. It bears beautiful white inflorescences in spreading domes. This hydrangea can reach 15 meters in height, its leaves take on a beautiful golden color in the fall; it is an outstanding ornamental subject.

Hydrangea quercifolia

As its name suggests, this hydrangea is remarkable for its large oak-like leaves that take on flamboyant hues in the fall. It is ideal in beds or pots but should be avoided in humid soil as it would then be too sensitive to root rot.

Hydrangea paniculata

Easy to grow and very hardy, this very vigorous species is gaining more and more followers charmed by its conical inflorescences of cream color turning to pale pink. This hydrangea supports very well a sunny exposure.

Hydrangea involucrata

Very compact (1 m high) the Hydrangea involucrata is well suited to the center of a bed or in pots. It likes a fresh and humid soil where it will display from July its rounded corymbs with small blue flowers surrounded by bigger single to double, white, pale blue or pink flowers which give it its nickname of "Hydrangea with peony flower".

Hydrangea arborescens

This arborescent Hydrangea is a vigorous species, easy to cultivate because it tolerates most soils and exposures. It is a large suckering shrub producing large inflorescences in the form of very spectacular white balls. This hydrangea can easily reach 3 meters in height.

Lilacs, growing tips

Unknown species of lilac

The lilacs that we usually see in gardens are a variation of a single species, Syringa Vulgaris; only the flower changes: single, double, pink, white... The leaves and the port of the shrub are always the same.

However, there are 22 species such as, for example, the parsley-leaved lilac, the Afghan lilac, the laciniate lilac, meyeri palibin, or the lilac oblata which is the first to flower. To these 22 species, we must add the many varieties.

As for Syringa Vulgaris, the common lilac, there are hundreds of varieties. They are preferred by gardeners, which is quite surprising considering that the other species have the same characteristics.

Lilacs of any kind are plants that grow on most soils, are very hardy, have a fragrant bloom and are very flowering. The sizes can vary: some varieties are of medium size (2 meters high), while others do not exceed 1 meter in height.

The flowering of lilacs

All lilacs bloom in spring but some are earlier than others. If you make a good arrangement in your garden, you can get 3 months of lilac bloom.

The earliest is Syringa oblata, which blooms in late March and has single white flowers. It grows up to 2 or 3 meters high. Later, the Preston Lilacs, Canadian hybrids, bloom at the end of May. As for Syringa reticulata, the tallest of the lilacs (6 meters high), it blooms at the beginning of June.

Conditions for growing lilacs

Lilacs, whatever they are, are very undemanding plants as to the nature of the soil, which resist to very cold temperatures, between -30 and -40°C (we must remember that they are almost all native to the Himalayan hillsides).

Lilacs are full sun plants. Shade is detrimental to flowering. On the other hand, because of their origins, they appreciate a certain coolness of the soil. In the South, watering may be necessary during the summer. Leaves that hang down will be the signal of a lack of water.

Pruning lilacs

Some say that lilacs are pruned in clumps, implying that lilacs do not need pruning. However, it does tolerate pruning very well, provided that it is done just after flowering, so as not to remove the flower and to obtain a bloom the following year. A pruning done in winter suppresses the bloom the following spring.

If you have old lilacs, a rejuvenation pruning can be done, but in this case, the next bloom will be compromised. To lessen the trauma, it is advisable to prune in two times: cut large branches very short, but only every other one. The following year you will finish the pruning.

Cultivation of lilacs in pots

The culture in pot is possible on the condition that you bring him food and water regularly.

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