Grevilleas have a strong point: they bloom almost all year round. You can have flowers from March to June/July and from September to November.

There are varieties with large red flowers but also varieties with much smaller flowers.
All Grevilleas are evergreen shrubs, very easy to grow.
The variety shown can grow to about 2 m high and 2.50 m wide, if grown in the ground. Often, Grevilleas are wider than they are tall.
Pot cultivation is possible but gives smaller subjects than in the open ground: 1.80 m high for 1.25 to 1.50 m wide.
When should I prune my Grevilleas?
The question is not insignificant, considering its long flowering period.
In fact, it is enough to intervene as soon as a flowering ends, whatever the time of the year. Take advantage of this to give it a rounded shape, always pruning after a leaf or after a young shoot.
Low maintenance for Grevilleas
Grevilleas are Australian plants that require little maintenance.
For one thing, they are very drought resistant once they are well established.
On the other hand, they do not require any fertilizer. Indeed, most plants from Australia do not like phosphorus. Since our fertilizers often include a portion of phosphorus, we do not fertilize!
For a culture in pot, the mixture to offer to its grévilléa is simple: compost, heather soil, and a little vegetable soil to give a little more body to the mixture and to avoid that it is too draining. The whole thing is placed on a bed of clay or pozzolan balls placed at the bottom of the pot, for drainage.
Grevilleas are not very hardy
The hardiness of Grevilleas is around -5 / -8°C. In the Paris region, it is therefore grown in pots rather than in the ground.
If you have a sheltered terrace, it is not necessarily necessary to bring it inside during winter, the ideal being to have an unheated veranda.
Watering for potted plants
In summer, it is necessary to water every two days and, in winter, once a week minimum. Unlike Mediterranean plants, we do not wait for the soil to dry out; the substrate must always be slightly humid.