Pond fish

If the installation of fish in a pond requires some minimum precautions, in practice success is very often at the end of the road! Here are some tips for a lively pond!

The creation of an outdoor pond often aims to install a flock of fish that will give life and color to the stagnant water. To facilitate the success of this project, a few tips are important to remember.

First of all, the water must obviously be clean! The use of pesticides or fungicides should be avoided in the vicinity of the pond!

The second main principle to ensure a serene life for your fish is to encourage the installation of insects. The planting of aquatic plants will encourage the arrival of this providential guard provided that a space in shallow water is provided where the larvae can develop without having to suffer from the attacks of the fish!

Generally, it takes a good month between the time the pond is dug and the introduction of the fish so that the pond is populated with sufficient microbial fauna for a harmonious biological balance. When all the ingredients are present, it is time to look for new residents. And there, the choice can be difficult!

Indeed, not all fishes agree! Some of them eat each other while others live together quietly. To be sure of your choice, it is better to avoid mixing species.

For smaller ponds, the best choice is undoubtedly the goldfish. These small fish (maximum 40 cm) live perfectly in schools. The species has many varieties: red, black, orange and white, with simple fins or undulating fins (the comet).

For larger ponds, it is possible to choose a mixture of goldfish and Koi. These two species cohabit perfectly if there is enough space. Be careful though: Koi carp are imposing. It can reach up to more than one meter in length which implies to calculate the number of fish per cubic meter!

Other possible species of pond fish are the sarasa (20 to 23 cm) which is characterized by its red back and white belly or the shunbukin (20 to 23 cm) which can be recognized thanks to its multicolored blue, black, red, orange and white body, the ide (35 to 50 cm) with its bright orange back or the tench (30 to 60 cm) with its pretty green dress.

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