Vegetating a pond

Whether it was created from scratch or is natural, a pond sometimes needs some small adjustments to accommodate both useful and ornamental plants.

What does revegetation consist of?

Revegetation is a term that designates the action of introducing non spontaneous plants into a specific environment. In the specific case of the pond, the plants used will be mainly aquatic. They will be chosen according to depth criteria, but also for their filtration and water purification properties in order to create a perfectly balanced biotope that will hardly need any maintenance. Let's not forget the ornamental side which should not be neglected to combine the useful with the pleasant!

A little help for nature

It is quite possible to let nature take over, but the result on an artificial pond is likely to be disappointing and very long to obtain.

A tarpaulin-covered soil does not allow for the immediate establishment of natural plants due to the lack of substrate. It will be necessary to integrate it beforehand to obtain a beautiful result quickly. Another parameter: the balance. It is much easier to balance the water by introducing cleaning, purifying and oxygenating plants. Some are spectacular or original and will add a touch of charm to the pond.

When and how to plant a pond?

The best time to plant is between March and June, depending on the hardiness of the species chosen. The plants then begin their growth period, and the temperature will soon allow for optimal development.

Always prefer to buy plants in containers rather than bare root plants which will have more difficulty to grow.

The ideal substrate should be composed of gravel, sand and good fertile soil. In the case of an artificial pond, it is preferable to prepare it before the water is put in to cover the walls. Don't forget to create "tiers" so that each plant can benefit from optimal growing conditions. Wait a couple of weeks before setting up the plants.

Start by installing the submerged plants, if necessary by emptying the pond a little. Plant according to the required depth directly in the substrate or in baskets weighted with stones. The baskets allow you to take out the most fragile plants during the bad season in order to protect them from freezing.

Then install border plants to create an attractive decor and maintain the banks. Wildlife will find it a peaceful refuge.

Then place floating plants on the surface of the pond, they will grow quickly.

What plants should be placed in a pond?

There is a wide choice, but we will only mention certain plants for their exceptional cleaning or ornamental qualities.

For the natural treatment of water, think of cattails, scirpus, phragmites or Phalaris but also Elodea and bladderworts.

For their outstanding ornamental qualities, pseudocarpus irises, water lilies, nelumbos and water hyacinths will have no equal.

Also consider decorating the banks with water marigolds (Caltha palustris), purple loosestrife, astilbe or even exuberant gunnere. The decor will be just as you expect!

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