The creation of a peat bog

A peat bog is a zone with a strong humid character, where peat gradually accumulates. It is composed of non-decomposed organic plant matter. The soil is very poor and only allows very specific plants that have evolved differently to feed themselves. This is the case of carnivores.

The peat bog is a fragile ecosystem where the environment must almost constantly be flooded or waterlogged. The gradual accumulation of non-decomposed plant organic matter and its settling form the peat.

The necessary material

  • Bidim type geotextile felt
  • Liner for firestone pool
  • Blonde peat without amendment
  • PVC pipe Diameter 40 length 60 cm.
  • Carnivorous plants
  • Non-calcareous stones


  • Dig a hole one meter long by one meter wide and 80 centimeters deep that you will cover with Bidim, in order to prevent the roots of the surrounding plants from invading your peat bog.
  • On top of this geotextile film you will install your liner to waterproof the area and allow for proper water stagnation.
  • Maintain the perimeter with large non-calcareous stones. This is very important because otherwise the PH of the bog would be disturbed.
  • To know if a stone is calcareous, pour a little vinegar on it, if it foams it is because it contains limestone.
  • Drill a few holes all along your PVC pipe, surround it with bidim and fix it on one side of the bog that you can now fill with peat.
  • Spread the peat in the hole, making a small mound in the center, and incorporate the pipe, taking care not to fill it up. It will serve later as a gauge to control the humidity of the bog.
  • In the center you can include a small well made with a simple plastic pot surrounded by liner to keep it wet.
  • Attach the liner with stones around the pot for a successful aesthetic effect. You will be able to house some water bladderwort.
  • Your bog is now almost complete, all you have to do is saturate the peat with water until the gauge is full.

Installation of carnivorous plants

This operation can be done before the watering for more ease. The ideal period is the beginning of spring in March or April.

Get a batch of carnivorous plants, count one plant for 30 cm² because they grow quite quickly in outdoor culture.

Contrary to what one might imagine, carnivorous plants are not all indoor plants requiring heat and constant care, on the contrary: some species live much better outdoors in the right substrate made of blond peat and saturated with water. In spring and summer you will see them proliferate and feed on various insects such as ants, mosquitoes and gnats. You will be amazed at how fast they grow!

In the winter they disappear underground but do not die, they simply wait for the thaw and the return of food.

In your bog, you can plant :
  • Dionaea muscipula the best known carnivorous plant with leaves that look like wolf traps.
  • Drosera aliciae which will happily reseed itself
  • Sarracenia for their spectacular urns
  • Darlingtonia
  • Aldrovanda and hives for the well

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