The common toad, a useful batrachian for your garden

Spring is approaching, slowly but surely, and for some, it will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow; only the temperature, humidity and light will trigger the awakening after 3 to 4 months of winter rest of the most repulsive "monster", the most popular belief and always associated with witchcraft.

But, did you know that this host of the earth, of forests, gardens, swamps, ditches, ponds, of the plain as well as the mountains, of the city (it can be found in some parks in Geneva) as well as of the countryside, is the most useful for the protection of your salads?

Come on, the author is delirious; well, no, because this "residue of a disgusting elixir extract that everyone worships..." plays a crucial role in the destruction and regulation of all kinds of invertebrates such as earthworms, slugs, caterpillars, beetles, ants, and many more, whose existence you could not imagine.

It is the largest toad: the female can reach 12 cm (even 18 cm in the south of Europe), the male reaches quietly 8 to 9 cm and is provided with strong forearms whose three internal fingers are provided with rough and blackish pads named "callosities", in period of reproduction only. One can also recognize this one by seizing it, it will then emit some croaking while the female will remain mute.

35 years of existence, not without risk!

The life span of our "salad protector" can exceed 35 years unless, by mistake, it ventures to swallow a poisoned slug, hence the importance of using natural methods (saucers filled with beer) to eliminate gastropods if the damage done to the vegetable garden is major.

The natural predators of the common toad are mainly the garter snake, the hedgehog and certain birds such as the crow. Another factor that shortens the life of this amphibian is the high mortality during spring migration on our country roads crossing their territories. Indeed, as soon as the weather conditions become favorable for awakening and reproduction, thousands of toads move to their egg-laying site, which corresponds to their birthplace in general: they must then often cross busy roads. Hundreds of them will perish under the wheels of unconcerned motorists or even those who cannot do otherwise because there are so many of them. Remember, the road is not only slippery when it rains, it is doubly dangerous when it rains and when the amphibians are present.

Fortunately, there are now amphibian migration "tunnels" that are placed under the roadways that cross important migration routes, but there are still too few...

The reproduction of toads

After these asphalt considerations, let's get back to our toad. The males are so eager to find a mate that they can cling to a female for up to ten times, and she may drown under the burden. Females can sometimes be seen dead from disembowelment due to the power of the forearms of the first male clamped who was clutching harder and harder while other suitors were clutching in turn.

About reproduction, let us point out that the female is able to lay about 8000 eggs arranged in double gelatinous cords hung on aquatic plants. The tadpoles, which live in a gregarious way, are easily recognized by their modest size (3cm) and their black color; they gather in bands near the surface and at the edge of water points where the temperature is higher. Most of them will perish from predator attacks (aquatic insect larvae, newts, fish), or from unfavorable conditions (pollution, drying up) and only 1% of them will produce an adult capable of giving offspring. The obstacle course is particularly selective for all toads and frogs.

The "toad rains" as they were called in the past are due to the massive emergence of young after heavy rains. These, as soon as the metamorphosis takes place, which generally takes place at the end of June, take refuge in small crevices of the ground or under stones and plant debris. They will then lead all their life a terrestrial existence (except for the laying of eggs), crepuscular and nocturnal. The toad is a homebody, seems to know its hunting territory very well and always returns to the same refuge, year after year.


The handling of the animal is not dangerous for humans. On the other hand, all amphibians and reptiles are strictly protected, as well as their biotopes. The taking of specimens in the wild is forbidden.

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