A pond with barrels

Why not use half barrels of recovery to realize an original set of ponds with a circulation between them by a system of overflow? It will be of the most beautiful effect near your terrace.

Preparation of the barrels

Take oak barrels cut in half in perfect condition (dimensions for the example of 70cm diameter by 45cm height, it is possible to find some in garden centers).

If the barrels have contained wine, it is necessary to proceed to a complete cleaning and rinsing stage. Then, to ensure a good watertightness of the interior, you can either place a pond liner cut to the right size and fixed around the perimeter or coat the interior with several layers of flexible resin. If there is aquatic life present, it is best to choose a food grade resin or a pond liner.

Installation of the barrels

Choose a shady spot in the garden during the hottest part of the summer. Sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon is preferable, it will limit evaporation and the development of green algae. Know that water lilies need a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight per day to bloom.

To create a water feature between the half barrels, place them with a height difference of about 10 cm. Then position the barrels with a spirit level.

The highest barrel has a hole in it to allow for drainage to the lower barrel. The hole corresponds to the outside diameter of a piece of bamboo for water circulation. The hole with the bamboo can be sealed with colorless putty.

To allow water to circulate, use a small pump submerged in the lower pond that returns the water to the upper barrel.

Placement of aquatic plants

Place the plants in 11 cm square plastic baskets with some heavy garden soil and then place pebbles or felt to prevent the soil from mixing with the water. This will also prevent the fish from digging into the contents.

Plants are arranged according to their height. For a graphic effect, the highest ones are towards the bottom.

Example of arrangement for the lower half of the barrel: Myosotis palustris, Iris versicolor, Myriophyllum Brasiliensis, Equisetum Japonicum, Nymphaea 'rose Nymphe'

Example of layout for the upper half of the barrel: Mentha aquatica, Lobelia Cardinalis, Acorus Gramineus 'Ogon', Nymphaea 'conqueror'

Installation of the aquatic fauna

Be careful with the stocking because depending on the exposure and your region, the barrels may freeze to their full depth. If you wish to put fish in them, it is necessary in this case to bring them in during the winter. When feeding them, limit their food so as not to pollute the tanks. The food must be eaten within 5 minutes.

Without fish, flying insects will most certainly come and reproduce there like dragonflies or mosquitoes. If you have an aquarium, they can be used as live food in summer.

Starting up

During the start-up period, green algae will develop while a general equilibrium is established. During this period of about one month, do not put any fish in the tank.

Maintenance of the pond

In the spring, clean your barrels of various plant debris that may have accumulated and control the growth of certain aquatic plants such as milfoil, which can become very invasive. Reassemble the filter. It should be cleaned regularly.

As winter approaches, turn off the filter, clean it completely and put it back in. Leave a few empty water bottles weighted down with pebbles floating on the surface to limit the pressure of ice on the walls. Protect the sides and top if necessary.

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