A pond for what purpose?

A pond in a garden is much more than a simple ornamental piece. If you are lucky enough to have a place to build it, don't hesitate! It will contribute to the ecological balance of your garden.

Creating a pond

Formerly present only in the parks of castles, the pond becomes nowadays accessible to all. Garden centers, Internet sites and specialized stores offer a wide range of products allowing everyone to build a pond at home. Technically it is not very complicated, financially, a small pond is accessible to all. The interests are so numerous that it would be a shame not to be tempted!

A bewitching power

A pond in a garden is a window to the dream. The water reflects the sky and moves with the slightest breeze. With the gentle splashing of water jets or waterfalls, the soothing sounds and the serene vision of the ballet of fish, the pond is undoubtedly a place for contemplation. All that remains is to install a chaise-longue or a bench nearby to fully enjoy this soothing spectacle.

A piece of Nature

A pond makes it possible to recreate a part of nature in the closed space that constitutes the garden. Water is an essential element for life and a small pond will attract a number of animals that will settle in your home full time. Some of them are auxiliaries necessary to the good balance of the garden, others will constitute a source of food for them, others still will come to pollinate the surrounding plants.

Pond plants, in addition to their undeniable ornamental aspect, will serve as filters and natural purifiers for the pond water. If the pond is large enough, you can add fish that will be happy to eliminate mosquito larvae.

The pond will soon be full of life, ensuring the balance of the garden.

Fun and educational

Children are always amazed by the presence of a pond; what a pleasure to observe frogs basking in the sun on a water lily leaf, to contemplate the iridescent reflections of dragonflies, to be astonished by the slides of water spiders. A whole world opens up to them, provoking curiosity and questions. If the adults take the time to be interested in the life of the pond with them, it is then a joy to share and live together moments that will remain engraved in the head of the children for many years.

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