What exposure for a lemon tree in a pot?

The lemon tree, because of its low hardiness, is cultivated in pots in most regions, which implies some particular growing conditions and a certain know-how regarding the exposure to obtain a good harvest.

A suitable pot

Whether it is comfortably installed in a large orangery-type container or in a large terracotta pot, the lemon tree remains a fruit tree whose roots need space to develop. In order to install your lemon tree in the best location for each season, consider placing it on wheels so that it can be moved easily, because for the roots to be comfortable, the pot will necessarily be quite heavy and bulky, especially once it is filled with moist substrate.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in spring

As soon as frost is no longer a concern and temperatures stabilize above 10°C night and day, you can consider putting your potted lemon tree on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. Be careful, once it is out of winter storage, it should be placed in full sun very gradually so as not to cause irreversible burns on the foliage, as the light indoors is rarely the same as outdoors. Start by putting it under a shelter (awning, roof overhang, covered terrace...) then, little by little, offer it the morning sun and finally a very sunny southern exposure, if possible protected from the prevailing winds. The period of habituation will extend over approximately one week to 10 days.

Start watering more regularly and add a mixture of crushed horn and dried blood after having made a good composting to promote the emission of new shoots and feed this greedy fruit tree.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in summer

In summer, the substrate dries out very quickly in pots, especially if the lemon tree is exposed to full sun and in a windy area. So beware!
  • In the northern regions, a full southern and sunny exposure can be maintained because it will guarantee a good fruiting but always at the price of a sustained watering! Be careful, watering must be correctly dosed to avoid drowning the roots and inducing asphyxia; let the substrate dry on the surface for 2 cm before watering again. At this time of the year, if there is some water left in the cup, there is no drama, especially when a thick draining layer (pozzolan, gravel, clay balls...) has been provided at the bottom of the pot. The residual water should evaporate in a few hours at most.
  • In southern regions, a full southern exposure and full sun is to be avoided because it would be too hot in the pot, even with an adapted watering.
  • In these regions, install your lemon tree facing East or West so that it benefits from at least 4 hours of sunlight in the morning or evening while protecting it from the burning rays of the midday. If this is not possible due to lack of space, install a shade cloth, an umbrella or even better, a camouflage net that allows air and a few sun rays to pass through without the situation remaining hot; all your other potted plants will benefit from this.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in autumn

  • In northern regions, at the very beginning of autumn, if the temperatures remain mild and above 8°C night and day, move your lemon tree to a south-facing position sheltered from the wind so that it can benefit from as much sun as possible before overwintering. You will then have to be very vigilant about the temperature so that it does not catch a cold!
  • In the southern regions, the sun can still hit very hard until the end of October, however, it becomes less scorching. A South-East or South-West exposure is recommended in September, then, from mid-October onwards, the lemon tree can be moved due south until the temperatures drop to 8°C at night. It will then be time to winterize it indoors.
In autumn, start spacing out the watering by watering only when the substrate is 3 cm dry on the surface, whether you grow your lemon tree in a northern or southern region.

Exposure of the lemon tree in pot in winter

In winter, the lemon tree grown in a pot should be installed away from frost, in a very bright and cool room, never in an apartment where the air is too hot and too dry and where the light will never be sufficient unless it is placed next to a south-facing bay window (beware of cold spells at night if the window is not protected by a shutter and curtains).

Choose an orangery if you are lucky enough to have one, a greenhouse, a veranda, or a winter garden. The luminosity should be maximum with if possible a few hours of full sun in the morning or afternoon. In the mildest regions, remember to ventilate the room often in hot and sunny weather, as temperatures can rise very quickly!

In cold weather, install a space heater so that temperatures never fall below 5°C.

The ideal temperature for the wintering of the lemon tree is between 5 and 14°C, the waterings will be then very reduced so that the substrate dries almost completely between two waterings. Obviously, during this period of rest in the cool, the contributions in fertilizers will be stopped.

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