Successfully growing bougainvillea in pots

Always sumptuously colored, the bougainvillea adorns the facades of houses in the Mediterranean basin with brio. In these countries with a mild climate, they grow in the open ground requiring practically no care to bloom abundantly each year. In pots, it's a different story...

Why grow a bougainvillea in a pot?

Bougainvillea is one of those plants that grow much better in the ground and should only be planted in a pot if absolutely necessary.

There are two reasons why a bougainvillea should be planted in a pot: lack of space (no garden) or climate (too cold).

It is important to be aware that the chances of success with this type of cultivation are slim, especially if the region is not suitable and you do not have a heated greenhouse, because the bougainvillea is originally from Brazil and needs a lot of heat and sun to flower and develop properly.

If your summer is hot and sunny, you can consider growing it on a balcony and then bring it inside during the cold season to protect it from frost.

Which pot ?

We often hear that bougainvillea blooms better in a narrow pot. This is not true! The root system is important and must be able to develop fully so that this climber, which can reach several meters in height, is at ease. Choose a large pot with a hole in the bottom to install your plant. The material does not matter. Just know that in a terracotta pot, evaporation will be more important, but gas exchanges will be better respected.

Which substrate ?

Plant your bougainvillea in a pot with a thick layer of clay balls at the bottom.

Choose a very good quality potting soil, or even better, organic garden soil in bags (nurseries, garden centers...). The latter holds moisture much better than most potting soils.

Add a little crushed horn and dried blood when planting.

Which exposure ?

Place your bougainvillea in full sun on a balcony, sheltered from prevailing winds. If necessary, install a windbreak to protect it.

What type of watering?

In summer and in pots, the bougainvillea must be watered very regularly so that the soil never dries out completely between two waterings. From autumn onwards, watering should be spaced out, especially if the plant is wintered in a cool place (between 10 and 12°C), it will then go into a resting period (the leaves will fall off) and a watering every 15 days/ 3 weeks will be sufficient.

Is it necessary to bring fertilizer?

Yes, and very regularly during the growth period. In liquid form after watering or in the form of dried blood scratched in the pot to feed this greedy plant. In period of rest, stop all the contributions of fertilizer.

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