Scented winter flowering shrubs for the balcony and terrace

Winter-blooming shrubs are a surprise when you see them braving the season's bad weather to bloom generously for long weeks. And when you realize that most of them are divinely scented, you can't wait to get outside...

For the balcony

Sarcococca humilis : this small evergreen shrub grows very well in a pot. It forms in a few seasons a nice compact clump with dark green and glossy foliage. Small discreet cream flowers are present all winter long in the armpit of the leaves. They emit a very powerful vanilla scent. They are followed by navy blue berries. H and E: 0,5 to 1 m.

Its needs: half-shade, shade. Fresh and humusy substratum. Slight pruning after flowering.

Daphne odora: it is the most perfumed of all the daphnes. Its light green evergreen foliage edged with cream is covered all winter with a generous bright pink bloom with flowery and spicy notes evoking jasmine, carnation and clove. H : 1,5 m. E: 1 m.

Its needs: half-shade, sheltered from draughts. Very well drained soil, cool in summer, rich in humus. No pruning required.

For the terrace

Mimosa: belonging to the genus Acacia, this small tree prefers mild climates. Its clusters of small golden yellow pompons illuminate the winter decor. The scent is reminiscent of sugar and honey. H and W: 2 to 4 m. Its needs: full sun, well drained soil, not calcareous (the species retinoides, the "mimosa of the four seasons" tolerates a little calcareous). When the cold is intense, protect the mimosa with a forcing veil or put the pot in a clear, unheated room.

Skimmia japonica : this shrub with a compact and rounded habit offers a dark green, shiny and leathery evergreen foliage. The plant is dioecious. The flowering of the male subjects is more beautiful than that of the females. From February, small bunches of creamy star-shaped flowers with purple stamens emit a scent reminiscent of vanilla, lily of the valley and orange tree. It is the female plants which offer a splendid brilliant red fructification. H and W: 1 to 1,5 m.

Its needs: light sun, half-shade, fresh soil. Pruning unnecessary (slow growth).

Viburnum farreri : formerly named V.fragrans, this beautiful deciduous shrub is a real winter incense with notes of vanilla, honey and almond. The small clusters of pale pink flowers can be seen from autumn, accompanying us until early spring. They are followed by red fruits. H: 2 to 3 m and W: 2 m. Choose the cultivar 'Nanum' which reaches 1 m and is decorative all year round.

Its needs: sun (shelter from the morning sun, avoid eastern exposures), cool soil. Prune after flowering if necessary. You can also fall for the Camellia sasanqua (blooms from autumn to the middle of winter). Our favorites for the small garden

Daphne mezereum: this deciduous shrub with soft green foliage justifies its name of 'pretty wood' with its generous pink or purple bloom, which lasts several weeks from February to April. Its flowers smell like jasmine but also like hyacinth, carnation and clove. They are followed by small red drupes scarlet very toxic but appreciated by the birds. H and E: 50 cm to 2 m. Slow growth.

Its needs: light sun, half-shade. Well-drained soil but cool in summer. Does not like to be moved.

Witch hazel: the "witches' hazel" is a deciduous shrub with an upright or spreading habit that blooms in late winter. Its flowers in light sulphur yellow, copper or brick red pompons are scattered along the branches. Their scent is reminiscent of honey. For its more intense perfume, prefer the species H.mollis to the hybrids Hamamelis x intermedia. H and E : 1 to 2 m. Magnificent autumn coloring of the foliage.

Its needs: sun, half-shade, shelter from drafts, cool and acid soil. No pruning (slow growth).

Mahonia x media 'Charity' : this large erect shrub becomes rounder with time. It offers a very decorative evergreen foliage. The large, leathery, dark green leaves have very prickly edges. The very long flowering period begins in the heart of autumn and lasts until March. The large clusters of golden yellow spikes perfume the air, evoking the scent of lily of the valley. The flowers are followed by navy blue plum berries, very appreciated by birds. H and W: 2 to 3 m.

Its needs: light sun, half-shade. Fertile, fresh and humus soil. No pruning (slow growth).

You can also fall for the Viburnum carlesii (flowering at the end of winter).

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