Scented Pelargoniums

Very precious for their ease of cultivation and their long-lasting blooms, pelargoniums are also available in scented versions. A simple touch of the foliage becomes an enchantment...

Perennials with multiple assets

Scented Pelargoniums are easy to grow perennials that can be planted in the ground in all regions where the winter is mild. In beds, borders or pots, place your scented Pelargoniums not far from a busy place, they will exhale their delicate or frankly marked scents of hazelnut, mint, rose and even eucalyptus at the slightest contact with their foliage, which can also be ornamental. Very cut, variegated, hairy or even velvety, let your collector's soul sail among the many varieties! A sunny location is required for a long and opulent bloom.

Fruity notes

Pelargonium 'Lemon Fancy': clean green foliage, very cut and almost crisp, exhaling lemongrass fragrances. Beautiful pale pink flowers marked with fuchsia pink during long months. 50 cm height for as much spread.

Pelargonium 'Mabel Grey': very veined dark green foliage emitting a strong smell of lemon when crumpled. Single, light pink flowers with purple markings from May to October.

Pelargonium 'Scarlet Unique' : nicely serrated, green foliage with a delicate smell of freshly cut carrot. Very long-lasting bright red bloom (May to October). Variety with a spreading habit, 50 cm in all directions.

Pelargonium ionidiflorum: well-cut glabrous green foliage, with a delicate celery scent. Beautiful flowering beyond the foliage, bright pink flower well opened. A low growing species, ideal in a pot on a balcony.

Pelargonium odoratissimum : large rounded leaves, serrated at their edges, with a nice apple scent. The very fine white flowers literally cover the plant from May to the end of September. Forms beautiful clumps. Ideal in sunny beds.

Intense notes

Pelargonium tomentosum : magnificent green foliage, velvety and very soft to the touch, giving off a powerful mint scent. Small white flowers in bunches, few in number but present over a long period (May to October). Perennial species, robust, with the spread out port (90 cm of spread). Attention, it is not very rustic; in the cold areas a culture in pot is preferable.

Pelargonium 'Fragrans' : harmonious foliage with a strong pine scent, small cultivar ideal in pot (25 cm high). White flowers in bouquets from May to September. The variety 'Fragrans Variegatum' presents a beautiful variegated foliage of creamy white.

Pelargonium graveolens : medium green foliage, very cut and giving off a powerful smell of rose. Lilac colored flowers in bouquet from May to October. Not very hardy.

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