Geraniums with fragrant foliage

Surprisingly, scented geraniums diffuse their fragrance as soon as their foliage is crumpled with your fingertips. Ideal for beds, borders and walkways, they are sure to charm you!

Scented cranesbill : what is it ?

Wrongly called 'geraniums', they are in fact plants belonging to the Pelargonium genus, so vast that it includes 230 species of plants and multiple cultivars. There are many forms of Pelargoniums, including the well-known ivies on our balconies, the zonals used in pots and beds, but also the fragrant Pelargoniums whose foliage often gives off a characteristic odor when it is crumpled or when the sun heats it, or even when the dew touches it.

The shapes and textures of the foliage vary from one species or variety to another: velvety, lobed, toothed, cut...

The flowers of these Pelargoniums are often simple, pink or white, rarely spectacular, but this does not matter since it is mainly the fragrance of the leaves that will hold the attention of the gardener.

Species and varieties of scented geraniums

There are botanical species with a strong scent, such as Pelargonium tomentosum, a species that spreads easily on the ground and has beautiful, velvety, hard green leaves. A strong mentholated smell escapes from the plant as soon as it is touched.  The small white flowers are charming and appear in summer. Attention this species native of South Africa is frileuse! Take the pots inside in winter.

Pelargonium odoratissimum is also native to South Africa. The rounded apple green leaves give off the scent of this fruit! From March to July, beautiful star-shaped flowers appear, adding to the ornamental power of this 'geranium'.

Pelargonium blandfordianum is a remarkable and amazing subject! Its very cut, almost feathery, grey/green foliage gives off the scent of almond and vermouth. The flowers of this species are white spotted with dark pink.

On the side of the cultivars and other hybrids, one finds the famous Pelargonium graveolens in these horticultural productions with the marked fragrance of pink. It is used in the field of perfumery and cosmetics. It is used in the composition of rose geranium essential oil, used to treat stress, but also skin problems, nausea and viral infections.

Let's also note the refreshing 'Torento Ginger' with its invigorating scent of lemon and ginger, the 'Lemon Fresh Mosquito Fighter' which keeps mosquitoes away and the no less charming 'Prince of Orange' which is reminiscent of the scent of this citrus fruit.

More surprising, 'Choco Scent' exhales a sweet chocolate and hazelnut scent. It is remarkable by its very cut bright green foliage and by its small pink flowers which contrast with this last one and what to say about 'Chocolate Peppermint' which combines the perfumes of mint and chocolate like a certain well known delicacy!

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