Balconies in full bloom

In the past, balconies were only decorated with ivy geraniums. Nowadays, the wide choice of plants in various colors, textures and forms offers many possibilities. Pleasure of the eyes assured during all the beautiful season!

New trends, new techniques

Flowering balconies has become a national sport in our country. Some municipalities even encourage residents to do so, to the delight of walkers. The choice of PVC planters in flashy but also more classic colors is growing. English baskets and hanging baskets are available in many models and materials.

New techniques that allow for better water retention (gel, beads...), new substrates that are very rich and specific to each crop, slow release fertilizers but also drip systems applied to the balcony are all advances that facilitate the work of urban gardeners.

In the past, there was only a limited choice of potted plants, nowadays, it is possible to order mini-pots on the Internet in one click and have them delivered to your home. This ingenious system makes it possible to obtain many plants in the beginning of growth, thus less expensive. No more need to sow your seeds while keeping the pleasure of seeing the plant grow!

Every year new varieties are created and flood the market. Original colors, more resistant plants, thematic classification (shade, sun, beautiful foliage ...) offer the possibility of infinite modulation of plantings on the balcony.

Cascades of flowers on the balcony

Just go to any garden center in the spring to realize the sea of flowers that it offers. Among them, the great classics of our balconies such as the ivy pelargoniums or the petunias, but also the osteopermums with their large white, pink or orange daisies, the surfinias forming cascades of flowers with new colors every year, the 'Million Bells' with their small and very colorful flowers, or the multiple cultivars of verbena.

Ideal plants in compositions, bidens, illuminate the pots with their golden yellow, lobelias, lighten the decor with their airy white or deep blue flowers while diascias bring a touch of originality.

Balconies located in the shade or half-shade will benefit from the new impatiens cultivars, including those from New Guinea, with delicately iridescent flowers, as if glittering when a ray of sunlight touches them. Impatiens with very double flowers will be perfect in a pot on a table, in order to fully enjoy their buds looking like small roses.

Let's not forget the timeless fuchsia, which also benefits from numerous hybridizations to come back every year in new versions with ever more chubby and colorful flowers!

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