A tree on the balcony

As soon as a tree is installed on the balcony, it becomes the star of the show, creating a landscape all by itself. The presence of a tree also plays a protective, symbolic role, but not only because it avoids indiscreet glances, filters air currents and sifts the burning rays of the sun. It also brings relief and flexibility to the often strict and flat lines of a mineral urban setting.

Growing tips

Your tree must allow for good circulation on the balcony. If its adult dimensions seem too large, it should compensate by being able to withstand frequent and sometimes severe pruning. Note that growing it in a pot reduces its natural vigor.

Give it a container of choice. Harmonize the shape of the pot with the silhouette of the tree.

Choose a good quality, non-gelling material. Absolutely avoid water reserves as roots generally prefer a well-drained substrate, especially in winter.

The pot must be very stable to prevent the tree from tipping over (on the balcony, draughts are frequent and the wind load of a tree is important).

At the same time, buy useful accessories such as a tray with wheels for trees that need to be sheltered, a saucer to serve as a water reserve in summer...

Pamper your tree: respect its vital needs (substrate, exposure, watering, fertilization). In a pot, the reduced volume of soil increases the natural needs of the tree.

If the size of the pot does not allow for annual repotting, renew the substrate over a few centimeters (resurfacing). Never skimp on the quality of the soil!

In cold regions, swaddle the less hardy pots with several layers of wintering cloth.

Dress the base of the pot with small bulbs (muscaris, cyclamen, scillas, tulips and botanical daffodils), perennials with drooping foliage or a simple aesthetic mineral mulch (slate, oak chips, white gravel) when the roots are superficial and do not appreciate being disturbed.

Your tree will be the star of your balcony, so renew the decor around it regularly. There is no lack of ideas for the four seasons among the range of seasonal plants. Also think perennial scene with other permanent plants (roses, perennials, small shrubs, grasses, bamboo, pruned boxwood...). Over time, you will transform your balcony into a real mini-garden, a living room and the green soul of your home.

Small balcony idea: turn a small shrub, a shrubby perennial, an aromatic, a climber. Turn them into a miniature tree by removing the superfluous branches and creating a single stem that will act as a trunk. Some plants that lend themselves gracefully to this game: young wisteria, fuchsia, oleander, anthemis, solanum, lantana, velvetleaf, but also currant bushes, small conifers, pelargoniums!

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