A gourmet tree on my balcony

On the balcony, we often limit ourselves to small fruits because we think that fruit trees are reserved for the garden. This is not the case! Bright spring blooms, sweet and melting fruits and beautiful autumn foliage... on a sunny balcony, it would be a shame to go without a fruit tree!

Miniature fruit trees

For a few years now, it has been easy to obtain dwarf fruit trees, resulting from a selection of rootstocks and spontaneous mutations of fruit varieties. Apricot, almond, cherry, peach, pear and apple trees are making their way to the balcony for our pleasure.

In addition to their fruits, which are as large as those of "normal" trees, they offer a generous white or pink bloom depending on the subject chosen. Growing them in pots allows the earliest to benefit from the warmth of the walls or the quick installation of a winter cover in case of sudden cold.

Keys to success: fertile substrate. Mulching and copious watering in summer. Re-pot every 3-4 years.

Fig tree (Ficus carica)

A magnificent and ample cut foliage, sweet fruits nicely colored with green, purple and violet of the fig tree, by choosing varieties with low development it is possible to welcome a small fig tree on its balcony.

Some varieties: 'Brown Turkey', 'Brunswick', 'Dalmatie', 'Dorée', 'Madeline des Deux Saisons', 'Pastilière'.

Keys to success : deep pot (min 40 cm). Light, fertile substrate. Spaced out but copious watering. Organic fertilization at the end of winter. Pruning in spring when the sap rises. Good hardiness of the stump which starts again if there is a severe frost (-15°C).

Oleander (Laurus nobilis)

The laurel has a tough dark green evergreen foliage, supports perfectly the pruning and lends itself to take conical, pyramidal forms or on decorative stems all year long. Pick its leaves to flavor your best recipes!

Keys to success: fertile substrate. Regular watering all year round (if balcony is covered). Pruning in spring or late summer. Avoid cold drafts.

Staging idea

Your balcony is sunny and sheltered from the wind. Take advantage of this micro-climate to host one or two fruit trees adapted to small spaces (dwarf forms, columnar forms...). Accentuate the "miniature orchard" atmosphere with a few pots of small fruits (currants, blackcurrants, strawberries...) and two or three balls of boxwood. Combine these fruity flavors with aromatics (basil, chives, mint, thyme) and geraniums with fragrant foliage. Climbing nasturtiums and morning glory will complete this picture dedicated to the senses.

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