A Florentine-inspired balcony

Tuscany, a land of contrasts and light, has seen the birth of many artists inspired by its special atmosphere. Do as they did, and let yourself be tempted by a colorful balcony!

The basic elements

Florentine balconies offer an explosion of shimmering colors, combining vertical plants that provide structure and a profusion of planters that are always opulent. Conifers, succulents and beautiful annuals will find their place in a clever arrangement for a very natural result.

Let's start with the basic structure: the indispensable Florence cypress will be installed in a corner of the balcony to give verticality to the whole. On the wall, a colorful climber will serve as a backdrop for the decor. Among the most popular plants, the bignone, which is covered with orange bells for many months, the jasmine with its bewitching perfume, the wisteria with its pastel colors or the bougainvillea, which should be reserved for well-sheltered areas. For a very Italian effect, don't neglect the quality of the containers; richly decorated pots will be perfect for hosting your plants and giving your balcony that typical touch.

Make way for opulence

Once structured, it's time to give your balcony a welcome touch of theatricality!

On the ground, a few balls of lavender will distill their powerful fragrance, alternating with beautiful pots of white and blue agapanthus to create a contrast of colors and textures. You can add a few large 'Schwarzkopf' aeoniums whose almost black foliage will bring an original shine to the whole.

On a small wrought iron table, a few pots of succulents will find a place in a large wicker basket or an old pewter basin recycled for the occasion: silver-leafed graptopetalums, houseleeks, echeverias, small aloes, crassulas and sedums will form a charming scene, alternating their astonishing blooms over a very long period.

Hanging planters on the balcony, always overloaded to achieve the desired effect, will need to be fixed properly to avoid causing danger. Choose them deep and large enough to be filled with a rich mixture of good potting soil and compost, a very fertile substrate that will allow you to obtain the exuberant result you are looking for.

You can then let yourself go to all the fantasies as long as the color is there! Don't forget a few ivy plants that will hang casually and serve as a base for the annual plants that will follow one another according to the seasons. The essential red ivy geraniums will accompany them brilliantly. Don't skimp on fertilizer to obtain a profusion of flowers and remember to cut back the wilted stems to induce the formation of new buds. Surfinas, bacopas, lobelias and silver baskets will add color to this scene, which is meant to be as exuberant as the character of our Italian friends that their balconies reflect so well.

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