Winterizing a potted petunia

In summer, the many varieties of petunias never cease to embellish terraces, balconies and beds. To prolong the pleasure from the following spring, shelter your perennial petunias during the bad season.

Prune shamelessly

Petunias and especially the drooping varieties of Surfinias tend to form long, branched stems that are not very aesthetic and do not flower as much over time. They will start again the following spring. This pruning will also allow the plant to regain its strength, you will be surprised by the beauty of the foliage and the number of flower buds present.

You can therefore prune all the stems to about ten centimeters from their base without regret. Take the opportunity to remove all the dead stems at their base with a small scissor. Place all this plant waste in the compost.

Clean the pot

With a small fork, scratch the surface of the substrate to collect all dead leaves and other plant debris. If the pot is made of clay, brush the sides with a stiff brush dipped in warm water and white vinegar to remove lime scale and moss that may hide pest eggs or larvae. To clean plastic pots, a sponge soaked in the same mixture will be sufficient.

Also clean the cup and let it dry.

The choice of the room

The chosen room should be slightly heated but frost-free because the petunia is not hardy, i.e. it does not resist to negative temperatures. A temperature between 10 and 14 °C will be ideal for wintering. If the room is not very bright, it is not very serious but it should be well ventilated.

Wintering petunias in pots

Before putting your petunia in the wintering room, make sure that the plant is free of parasites. You can prevent this by spraying the plant with nettle manure. If the plant has parasites, treat it and then quarantine it before bringing it in. Parasites tend to reproduce happily, well protected from their predators and the weather, so be extremely vigilant!

Once your petunia has been winterized in the shelter, only water when the soil really dries on the surface (about every 10 to 15 days). Never leave water in the cup, the plant is in dormancy, its growth is slowed down and it would risk to rot by excess of water. For the same reason, stop all fertilizing.

After wintering

When the frosts are no longer to be feared, repot your petunias in a rich substrate and add dice of slow release fertilizer. Take them out to the garden and gradually reintroduce them to full sun. Start watering them regularly, especially if it does not rain.

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