Wintering of potted plants

As winter approaches, the winterization of non-hardy potted plants on the balcony or on the terrace must be considered. It is advisable either to bring them inside or to take some precautions to allow them to spend the winter. We offer you some advice that should be adapted to your situation.

The non-hardy plants are plants which do not support the frost of the winter. Some of them can withstand small frosts but they will most likely perish with a frost of several days, especially since in pots the roots are less well protected, or even directly exposed because they are in contact with the container and therefore with the outside.

There are several categories of non-hardy plants. The least tolerant to the cold are tropical plants such as hibiscus or orchids that you should bring in first as soon as the temperature approaches ten degrees, between mid-September and mid-October depending on the weather. It is advisable to bring them in not too late to avoid too much change in conditions between your terrace or your garden and your interior. This shock could be harmful. You will bring in this type of plants in a bright room that does not go below 10 degrees. A veranda would be ideal.

Cacti do not appreciate the combination of autumn rains and cold weather which causes them to rot. Bring them in at the same time as your tropical plants and place them in a cool room like a garage with a light source if possible.

The last non-hardy plants to be brought in are Mediterranean plants such as oleanders, pelargoniums, palms or birds of paradise. Wait for the first frost to protect them, between mid-October and mid-November. Place your potted plants in a cool, airy place like a cellar or a garage. A little light will be ideal especially for the species with evergreen and clear foliage.

For the pots that you cannot bring inside, protect them from frost by moving them closer to the walls of the house or place them in a corner sheltered from cold winds. Wrap the pots with newspaper or bubble wrap and place your plant under a winter cover, not a plastic bag that will prevent the plant from breathing.

For all these plants, watering will be limited to the strict minimum to maintain a very light humidity, or even absent as for cacti. Remember to air and open your garage at the first beautiful days of spring. Mediterranean plants will be the first to come out as soon as the frost is over. Tropical plants will wait for better conditions to come out.

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