Herbs on the balcony

You don't have to have a vegetable garden to grow herbs! A well-exposed balcony is just as suitable. Instructions for use...

Some important notions

Aromatic plants that are delicious with cooked dishes or prepared as herbal teas are perfectly suited to growing in pots or planters on a balcony. However, it is necessary to respect some simple parameters:

For an assured success choose your plants in cups, already well developed. The roots should not protrude too much from the pot and should not form a bun in the pot, a sign of suffering that would make it difficult to recover.

Check the foliage carefully: it should be healthy, vigorous, without suspicious spots or traces of mold.

The plants you choose should be suited to the exposure of your balcony. Thus, for a balcony exposed to the shade or half-shade, prefer to plant the various varieties of mint, parsley or coriander that will withstand these growing conditions.

In the sun, oregano, rosemary, sage, basil, lemon balm but also thyme of various varieties will grow without worry.

Most of these plants appreciate a sunny exposure and a well-drained substrate.

How do I plant herbs on my balcony?

The choice of container is important. Always choose a large and deep enough container so that the roots can develop well and so that you can add a bed of gravel or clay balls at the bottom to ensure good drainage, which is essential for growing herbs.

The pot should have a hole in the bottom to allow for proper drainage of watering, this will prevent the plants from rotting by asphyxiation.

Aromatic plants require a light substrate ideally composed of a part of good potting soil, a part of compost and a part of river sand.

In individual pots or window boxes, play with colors, textures and mix foliage to create an enchanting decor. Dare to be original by planting unusual cultivars such as variegated thyme, purple basil or unusual mints!

Finally, if you choose to install several plants in a common planter, they should have the same sun and watering needs.

Easy maintenance

Place your plants according to their needs, in semi-shade or sun. Keep in mind that water evaporates faster in a pot than in the ground and water your plants often in summer and in hot, windy and dry weather. However, allow the mixture to dry to 2/3 between waterings and empty the cups.

Pruning the flowers will keep the plants healthy and prevent them from 'tiring' to produce seeds. To keep the plant compact and bushy, don't hesitate to prune the foliage if possible above a leaf bud. Your aromatics will take off again!

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