Growing basil in a pot

Aromatic plant queen of the summer, the basil is not only cultivated in the vegetable garden. On a balcony or a terrace, it will find its place and will be thus within reach to decorate your salads or your cooked dishes.

When to sow basil in a pot ?

The sowing of basil can be carried out in the shelter in a premature way in mini heated greenhouse as of March. For direct sowing in pots on the balcony, wait until the temperatures have stabilized and there is no risk of frost. From then on, you can sow it until July to stagger the harvest.

Which varieties to sow?

In the kitchen, the two star varieties are 'Grand Vert' used in salads to accompany the famous mozzarella tomato or to make the pistou soup so dear to the heart of the Provençal people, and 'Fin vert' with its small leaves known for their even stronger flavor than the previous variety.

For its compact habit, ideal for the culture in pot, 'Dolly' produces very aromatic leaves, or still 'Finissimo Verde' which forms a compact ball of small very scented leaves. Those who like originality should consider 'Purple Opal' or 'Purpurascens', varieties with purple leaves that always make an impression, or 'Cinnamon' basil with a cinnamon flavor.

How to sow basil in a pot?

  • Prepare a mixture of 2/3 potting soil to 1/3 river sand.
  • Choose a 15 cm diameter terracotta pot and place a pebble over the hole at the bottom of the pot to prevent the substrate from escaping.
  • Fill the pot with the mixture to within 1 cm of the top edge.
  • Pack well and water to keep the substrate moist.
  • Sow your seeds half a centimeter apart and cover them with a thin layer of mixture.
  • Water lightly and place a plastic film or a glass plate on the pot to create a greenhouse effect that will help germination.
  • As soon as the seedlings appear, remove the protection and continue watering very often.

How to grow basil in a pot?

Basil needs a lot of sun to bloom, place the pot in a warm and sunny area. In these conditions, it will quickly get thirsty, so don't forget to water it very often so that the substrate never dries out completely between two waterings.

Cut the end of the stems regularly to induce the branching of the plant but also to prevent it from flowering, which would shorten its life.

Scratch a little ground horn every month at the base of your basil to support its growth.

Never let water stagnate at the bottom of the bowl.

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