Flowering shrubs on the balcony

Adopt flowering shrubs on your balcony, some of which are perfectly at home there and will delight you with their blooms.

Garden hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

Driven on stems, the hibiscus syriacus with its natural clumpy habit becomes a very original miniature tree perfectly adapted to life on a terrace or a balcony. You can buy it already formed or clear a trunk yourself by repeated pruning (it can withstand severe pruning without flinching!). The large single or double satin flowers are renewed all summer long.

Keys to success: in the sun, rose-type substrate lightened with a little coarse sand. Regular watering in summer, fertilizer every 5-6 times. Short pruning at the end of winter. Re-pot every year if possible. Very hardy.

Indian lilac (Lagerstroemia indica)

Driven on stems, the Indian lilac becomes a superb small tree. A breathtaking summer bloom with shimmering colors. A deciduous foliage taking beautiful colors in autumn (ochre, copper and purple....). A very decorative cinnamon-colored bark which peels off nicely in adult subjects... The Indian lilac is one of the rising stars of the garden. Many varieties are much more resistant to the cold than you might think!

Keys to success: deep pot (vigorous roots), well-drained substrate, sun, warmth but high humidity, pruning at the end of winter, copious and frequent watering in summer, repotting every 2-3 years. Moderate hardiness (winter protection).

The panicled hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata)

This unusual panicled hydrangea offers an impressive summer bloom with its huge panicles of creamy white flowers that fade to very decorative "old rose" colors. Mostly bushy, this hydrangea can also form a real small tree when pruned on a single stem.

Keys to success: well-drained, fertile and fresh substrate. Pruning possible at the end of winter (flowers on the wood of the year). Monthly fertilization from May to August. Re-potting every 3 years.

Other possible choices: flowering apple trees (Malus) and ornamental prunus (Prunus). 

Staging idea

Host a charming duo of an Indian lilac and a Hibiscus syriacus, both trained on stems. Choose the double versions of the latter, its crumpled and silky flowers are a perfect match for those of the Lagerstroemia. Dare to be colorful by offering them glazed pots with sparkling colors. The sun allows for all kinds of daring!

Aerate the whole in a "bouquet spirit" with light flowers and foliage (mugwort, 'Diamond Frost' euphorbia, gaura, grasses.). A star jasmine will bring a touch of green and perfume essential to the beautiful season.

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