Create beautiful planters

From mid-May, the risk of frost is over, garden centers offer you a vast choice of plants that allow you to create compositions with perennials, annuals, foliage plants, mixtures of colors and textures, flower shapes, plant origins.

Be creative! But before you start, here are a few tips to help you create beautiful planters of about 50 centimeters:

Choose a quality potting soil by asking for advice at your point of purchase.

Incorporate a slow-release fertilizer into the potting soil that will provide "food" for your plants all season long and make maintenance easier.

Explore the different types of planters available to you: enamel, plastic, terra cotta, zinc or, why not, wood. Try out the plants you have chosen in the planter before planting, to make sure your choices are right.

Place your plants in two rows, the first row being the place of choice for hanging plants and the second row being recommended for upright plants. This way, you have a front and a back row, and your planter becomes a 600 square centimeter mini-mass!

Always think of a plant with foliage, which highlights the flowering plants and gives more lightness to the association: Festucaglauca, Plectranthus, Helichrysumitalicum, Carexbuchananii, variegated mint, Helichrysum microphylla.

A touch of white is essential for very bright colors or too dark, it softens the whole and brings clarity.

Choose carefully the plants you associate: avoid associating a plant with a very strong development with a plant with a small development, otherwise the first one will take over the second one and you will obtain an unbalanced association. Ask your horticulturist or the department manager of the garden center for advice.

Think about the evolutionary side of the planter, it is not necessary to have all the plants flowering at the same time. Play on the early season to be able to discover other flowers during the season.

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