10 tips for successful planters

With the arrival of summer, the desire to plant flowers on your balcony becomes more pressing. Here are a few tips to make your window boxes a success and turn your balcony into a cascade of flowers.

1- Choose the right plants

Given the vast choice offered in garden centers, it is very important to know how to select plants that will be happy on your balcony. Choose plants that are adapted to the exposure of your balcony, for example petunias if it is sunny and fuchsias if it is shady.

2- Choose plants that meet the same needs

If you want to create a composition in a planter, the plants installed must have the same cultural needs. Never plant a water-hungry species with plants that enjoy dry soil! Failure is guaranteed.

3- Choose the right planter

Choose a deep planter that is wide enough for the roots to develop well. Vary the pleasures or adapt your planters to the style of your balcony: flashy, wooden, metal, there is something for every taste and every setting.

4- Drain

The bottom of the planter should be perforated so that water does not stagnate at the roots. Remember to add a layer of at least 1 cm of clay balls or gravel at the bottom of the container, always with the same purpose of drainage.

5- Choose the right soil

In containers, the choice of substrate is of crucial importance to ensure good success. Always choose a brand name, quality potting soil rather than cheap potting soil.

6- Respect the planting distances

In order for plants to grow without competing with each other, and therefore remain healthy, it is imperative to respect a certain distance between them. 3 cups are enough to fill a 30 cm long planter. If at the beginning, your planter seems bare, don't panic! The plants will soon fill it.

7- Wait before planting

In the spring, wait until all risk of frost has been eliminated before planting cold-weather plants in your window boxes. For certain plants such as begonias, petunias or New Guinea impatiens, be patient.

8- Composing with balance

To achieve a beautiful composition, remember to vary the shapes and volumes. Compact plants in the center, more vertical plants in the background and drooping plants in the foreground.

9- Think about foliage

Plants with decorative foliage are very useful to provide a 'link' or create a contrast in the compositions. Coleus, variegated ivy, mint, plectranthus, heuchers will be introduced in small touches in the planters.

10- Harmonize colors

Beware of errors of taste! To avoid a "carnival" effect on your balcony, mix similar colors to create an elegant monochrome or play with contrasts with opposite colors but only in two shades so that it remains pleasant to look at. Finally, use and abuse the white that blends with all colors and softens the compositions. 

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