Tips for planting a tree

The introduction of a new tree in a garden is always an event. It will grow over time, seeing generations succeed one another, unchanging and proud. To succeed in planting a tree, a few basic precautions should be taken to increase the chances of your new protégé's recovery.

The soil: an important criterion

Before choosing a tree, it is imperative to know the various aspects of the soil. First of all, the pH level will determine whether the soil is acidic, calcareous or neutral. You will choose the species according to this criterion rather than modifying the soil, because the results may not be as good as you expect. The nature of the soil also comes into play; a heavy, clayey and humid soil will have to be well drained because few trees enjoy growing in constantly wet soil.

Choosing the variety

Always choose a tree adapted to the climatic conditions of your garden. Avoid tropical species in the North or in the mountains which would have little chance of surviving the first winter. Take inspiration from your direct environment to introduce plants adapted to your region. This way, you will put all the chances on your side and limit the use of phytosanitary products.

Then, it's all a matter of taste: colorful foliage, majestic bearing, sumptuous flowers are all criteria to take into account when choosing your tree.

Anticipating the future

When you buy a tree in a nursery, it is sometimes difficult to imagine its future development. Find out beforehand so that you can plan a location that is large enough for it to develop perfectly. Keep large trees away from the house so that the roots do not cause damage and so that too much shade does not darken your home.

Also consider the regulations and distances to be respected with the neighborhood: trees that will reach a height of more than two meters when mature must be planted at least two meters from the property line.

Planting advice

The planting of a tree should preferably be done in autumn and this, until the month of February, except during periods of heavy frost, when the plant is in its vegetative rest period. This will give the roots time to establish themselves and take advantage of the natural rainfall to grow well the following spring. A spring plantation is also possible for containerized trees, but it will be necessary to water very often during the summer. Choose a tree that is still young, its chances of recovery will be much better.

The planting hole should be prepared about fifteen days before planting.
  • To do this, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball in all directions.
  • Plant a strong stake facing the prevailing wind.
  • Drain the bottom with a bed of gravel or clay balls so that water does not stagnate.
  • Prepare your tree by "dressing" its roots, i.e., by cutting off those that are dead or injured and by trimming the tips of the healthy roots to induce the development of new rootlets.
  • Then brush them with a praline made of soil, water and cow dung.
  • Place a bed of soil at the bottom of the hole and install the tree so that its collar is flush with the soil.
  • Top it off with soil to which you have added ground horn.
  • Pack the base well and dig a trough with well-decomposed compost at the bottom.
  • Water abundantly and fix with specific ties (eight ties) to the stake.

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