Common ash, Fraxinus excelsior : botanical card

Botanical card devoted to the common ash, Fraxinus excelsior

The common ash zone

The common ash grows everywhere in France, except in the southeast. It can be found from the north of Picardy to Champagne, through the Ardennes or Franche-Comté.

Long venerated in the ancient European religions, the ash was the symbol of life.

Portrait of the common ash

The common ash can live up to 150 to 200 years. It is a large tree that can reach 30 meters in height.

It has a deciduous and sparse foliage. It is a pioneer species, which seeks light. It colonizes all available spaces, including those that are not suitable for it (where it will eventually disappear).

The male and female flowers of the ash, distinct but sometimes hermaphrodite, are carried by the same individual. The flowering takes place in April, before the foliage and the pollination is done thanks to the wind.

The enemies of the common ash

  • The hornet: it is a major enemy of the ash tree. It mutilates the wood to suck the sap and take the fibers necessary to build its nest.
  • Black heart of the ash: it is an alteration of the wood which affects the old subjects, in particular those implanted on wet or clayey grounds.

The qualities of common ash wood

Ash wood is pearly white in color, hard and medium-heavy. In general, it is a quality wood, with good mechanical resistance, especially in bending. For this reason, it was used for the manufacture of utilitarian objects requiring a certain resistance, such as tool handles. It was also used to make horse-drawn carriages, ship frames and tennis rackets. Today, its use is more oriented towards furniture, especially curved furniture pieces. The most beautiful logs are sliced to provide decorative veneers.

A little story: in the past, ash wood was said to have the power to scare away snakes.

Planting advice

The common ash needs a well-distributed rainfall during the year, possibly compensated by a good water reserve in the soil. It also appreciates atmospheric humidity. On the other hand, it fears spring frosts, which can cause forks to appear.

For an optimal development, offer it a rich, neutral or slightly acid soil.

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