An automatic watering system

You are tired of spending hours watering your garden with your watering can or hose. You want to install an automatic watering system to make your life easier, but you don't know which watering system to choose?

Which watering system do you need for your garden, your vegetable garden, your flower beds, your trees? Choosing the right watering system for your garden when you are not a handyman, or when you have very little knowledge is not always easy. Before buying a watering system, list your needs (plants to water, lawn, hedge ...), they will allow you to determine the system that suits you.

Do you want precise watering?

You have a vegetable garden, a hedge, fruit trees, as well as flowerbeds in your garden. Do you want precise and water-saving watering? Then drip irrigation is for you. It allows you to water the different plants in your garden or vegetable garden in an optimal way without having water running off or overdosing. The water is distributed directly to the plant and only on it.

The installation sometimes seems perilous because of the many parts to be assembled for the installation (fittings, drippers, tees, elbows, plugs, programmer ...), but the drip system does not require any particular knowledge, it is therefore accessible to everyone.

It allows you to save up to 50% compared to other watering systems, moreover it avoids the proliferation of weeds and diseases.

Do you have a large lawn area, a large garden to water?

You have a large garden with a lawn and you like your lawn to be as beautiful as a golf course? Then the underground watering system is for you. It is completely hidden in the ground, it connects to your city water or to a pump, all depends on the flow you have at the tap. In this it is important to know the pressure and flow rate of the pump you have. The installation can also be done from a well if you have one on your property, or from a stream.

Your underground watering system is linked to a programmer that allows you to regulate the frequency and duration of watering your garden. This allows you to control costs and water consumption. Your lawn is watered continuously even when you are at work or on vacation.

Automatic watering allows you to go on vacation with peace of mind, no need to ask your neighbors or family for help. You just have to define your watering hours and it will start automatically. In the summer, we advise you to water mainly in the morning when it is cool or at the end of the day once the heat of the day is over. You can also couple your installation to a rain gauge that will control the opening of the solenoid valves in case of rain, so that your garden will not be over watered and the distribution of water will be controlled.

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