Small-leafed lime tree, Tilia cordata : botanical card

Small-leafed lime: a species that is not very widespread

The small-leaf lime tree is not very widespread in Brittany. It would seem, however, that it was much more present during the Neolithic period.  However, it has only been maintained naturally on good soils, which are mainly located in the Rennes basin and the south-east of the Ile et Vilaine. Rare, it is thus necessary to work for its preservation.

Description of the small-leaf lime tree

The small-leaf linden is characterized by an exceptional longevity, up to five centuries.

It climbs very high (about 20 meters). The oldest lime trees exceptionally reach 30 meters.

The leaf is heart-shaped. The underside has reddish-blond hairs at the intersections of the veins.

The buds have two visible scales, green or reddish.

The hermaphrodite flowers appear late (July). Odorous, they are grouped in bouquets.

The fruits, globular winged seeds with protruding ribs, are grouped by 3 or 5.

Note: the linden appreciates a semi-shaded exposure to grow. Its growth is moderate but continuous.

Diseases and pests of the small-leaf basswood

The lime tree's enemies are mainly aphids and mealy bugs, attracted by the sap, but we can also meet :
  • mites, which cause galls on the foliage ;
  • caterpillars of the bucephale responsible for some defoliations, without great consequence;
  • lower fungi, not very damaging.

The qualities of the wood of small-leafed lime

The wood of small-leaf lime is clear, yellowish, soft and homogeneous: it is easy to work.

It is not recommended for outdoor use. It is therefore mainly used for the manufacture of toys, brush handles, mouldings, pencils, matches or spools. It is also very popular in the field of violin making and carving.

It provides an excellent charcoal and its fibrous bark was once used to make ropes, bags and sandals.

Its melliferous and fragrant flowers are used in perfumery and in herbal tea for their anti-spasmodic and diuretic properties.

Planting advice for the small-leaf linden

The small-leaf linden can withstand very cold weather, but it can't stand dry air and high temperatures.

It likes fresh or even humid, deep, well-drained soils, preferably neutral to calcareous.

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