Fast growing trees and shrubs

When you buy a piece of land or after the construction of your house, you want to enjoy a beautiful garden quickly. Impatient gardeners, here is a selection of trees and shrubs that will live up to your expectations!

Structure the decor

Trees and shrubs are the structure of a garden setting. They are perennial elements that will remain in place for many years and will grow in size over time. Think carefully about their size once they are mature before introducing them. If necessary, make a plan to better visualize what it could look like to adapt the other elements of the garden such as beds, rock gardens, paths or flowerbeds to their position.

Conditions for success

Our selection presents subjects that will grow relatively quickly. However, never forget that to ensure full success, the plants must be adapted to the soil of your garden (soil, region, altitude, exposure) and that they must be well watered the two years following planting to allow them to grow harmoniously.

Fast growing trees and shrubs

The trees

Catalpa: a very ornamental spreading tree that can reach 15 meters in height for as much spreading. Very hardy (up to -25°C), it appreciates well-drained soils and a half-shade or sunny exposure. Its clusters of white flowers tinted with purple inside unfold in summer.

The weeping willow: magnificent and ideal at the edge of a large body of water or on a humid site, the weeping willow is a fast-growing tree that can reach 25 meters in height and 20 meters in spread. A plantation in the sun suits it well.

The Eucalyptus: to be reserved for the southern regions, except for the few rustic species. It can reach an impressive height (100 m) if the conditions of culture are suitable. A location in full sun and a rich and fresh soil is required.

Cypress: some species are ideal for hedges, others are preferred as isolated specimens. Cypresses are not very fussy about the soil, but appreciate full sun. They are very hardy and can be planted in most regions.


Black elder : it is the ideal shrub for beginners. It likes most soils and regions but prefers a sunny location. Its rounded shape and dark purple foliage make it a first choice ornamental subject.

Serviceberry: It has a spectacular starry bloom and is adorned with flamboyant shades in the fall. Its purple berries are also very ornamental. It appreciates a fresh, fertile, deep and slightly acid soil. It can be planted in semi-shade or full sun.

Spirea: many species and varieties of spirea are available on the market. The flowerings in bunches or in corymbs cover a wide range of colors. Very hardy, spireas are easy to grow and are happy with most soils. They appreciate a sunny or half-shade exposure.

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