Deciduous magnolias

Precious ornamental shrubs, magnolias are covered with splendid flowers from spring. Deciduous species are often much hardier than evergreens. Install them in your garden, you won't regret it!

Growing deciduous magnolias

Originally from Asia or North America, magnolias grow spontaneously in thickets or forests, not far from waterways. They therefore appreciate half-shade and a soil with an acidic tendency that remains cool in summer, although some species tolerate neutral soil. Very hardy, the majority of the varieties can be planted in all gardens without fear of frost.


The best time to plant your magnolia is in early fall, when the soil is still warm and the rains are abundant. This will give the root system time to form before the summer heat.
  • Choose a location in partial shade and away from prevailing winds.
  • Dig a hole that is wider than it is deep because roots tend to spread out on the surface, so the soil should be well loosened at this level.
  • Add a good amount of decomposed compost to the soil removed from the hole and sand if it is compact and retains moisture. Magnolias like well-drained soil.
  • Pour a bed of compost into the bottom of the hole and add a handful of ground horn powder.
  • Remove your magnolia tree, taking care not to injure the roots. If necessary, cut out the container.
  • Place the roots flat in the hole.
  • Fill in the hole with the prepared mixture, packing the soil well around the trunk. The trunk should remain vertical.
  • Make a basin to retain water at the foot of the shrub.
  • Water very abundantly.


Remember to water recently planted trees often, even during the bad season if it does not rain. In summer, be careful! The soil should never dry out completely between waterings.

In autumn, spread a good layer of straw at the foot of young plants to protect them.

Remarkable species and varieties

The species with 'goblet' flowers (resembling tulips) are very popular in gardens. The many cultivars of Magnolia x soulangeana range from pure white with 'Alba superba' to very dark purple pink with 'Burgundy'.

Magnolia x liliflora 'Nigra' is a stunning cultivar with dark purple blooms.

Magnolia kobus, tolerates neutral to slightly alkaline soils, the white/cream flowers are sometimes tinged with pink at the base.

On the side of the magnolias with star flowers, we count the numerous varieties of Magnolia stellata of which 'Centennial' pure white, or 'Gold Star' with the amazing yellow. Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel' blooms in pale lilac starry clouds of the most beautiful effect.

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