Cutting the camellia

The propagation by cuttings of camellia requires patience and know-how. Let's see how to proceed in the best conditions.

A multitude of varieties

With more than 250 species and an even greater number of cultivars, camellias are shrubs with devastating charm. They are appreciated for their spectacular flowering which can last for a good part of the year if we take care to choose the right varieties. The flowers, single, double or so-called 'peony', vary in color from pure white to bright red, passing through all shades of pink. More rarely we find subjects with yellow flowers. Some cultivars have variegated flowers.

Cutting camellia: instructions for use

The cutting of camellia is not difficult to realize, however two essential points will have to be taken into account: heat (relative) and constant rate of humidity will have to be respected. If all the ingredients are met, success is almost guaranteed!

Equipment needed:

  • A pruning shears ;
  • a grafting tool or a sharp knife;
  • a small pot (5 to 7cm diameter);
  • a light mixture of heather soil and river sand;
  • a translucent plastic bag (like a freezer bag);
  • raffia or rubber band;
  • Cutting hormone (optional).

When and how to proceed ?

Camellia cuttings are best done in summer, when the temperature will be favourable for the operation.
  • Choose a healthy and vigorous plant. Take the end of a 15 cm long branch with disinfected secateurs. The cutting must be Augusted, that is to say that the stem will be of brown color with bark.
  • Remove all the leaves at the base of the cutting to keep only the three leaves at the end of it.
  • Cut the cutting with the grafting tool on 2 cm ;
  • With the same tool, remove the bark on one side of the base of the cutting for about 3 cm ;
  • Fill your pot with the mixture and water;
  • Dig a hole in the center of the mixture with a small piece of wood or a pencil;
  • Dip the base of the cutting in a little bit of cutting hormone powder if you wish;
  • Carefully place the stem in the pre-formed hole and place the soil around it, packing it well around the cutting;
  • To keep the humidity and the heat, place the plastic bag on the cutting and fix it on the pot with the help of the raffia or the elastic;
  • Place your cutting in the shade but in a bright place.

And afterwards?

Make sure to maintain a good level of humidity. After a few months, signs of recovery should appear (growth of leaves and roots). Remove the plastic bag and repot the following spring. Keep the plant in the nursery for another two years before moving it to its final location.

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