10 shrubs to cut this summer

Summer is the ideal time to take cuttings from certain shrubs that will take advantage of the mild temperatures to put down roots very quickly.

1- The hydrangea 

(Hydrangea) is a very floriferous shrub that appreciates half-shaded exposures and acidic soils. The classic hydrangea (H. macrophylla) produces large white, pink or blue inflorescences from June to September, depending on the type of soil and the variety. The climbing hydrangea (H. petiolaris) wonderfully dresses up north-facing walls with its vaporous cream-colored flowers in June. The semi-hipped stem cuttings are very easy to take.

2- The rose 

(Rosa) comes in many species and varieties. You just have to take a 15 cm long branch still green or half-bearded with eyes, to remove the basal leaves and the possible flowers then to plant the cutting in a pot containing a light mixture.

3- Buddleia 

is a shrub famous for its colorful spike-like inflorescences that attract butterflies and other pollinating insects. Very easy to make a success of, the cutting can be done on a still green, semi-hardened, simple or heeled branch.

4- The oleander 

is one of the stars of the gardens of the South of France, which it magnifies with its delicately fragrant flowers from May to October. Ideal for forming beautiful flowering hedges, it can also be grown in large pots in colder regions. A simple 15 cm stem tip placed in a glass of water will soon put down roots.

5- Fuchsia 

comes in a multitude of species and cultivars with very attractive and colorful blooms. Hardy, bushy fuchsias, or varieties ideal for hanging baskets because of their drooping habit: there is something for everyone! A simple 10 cm semi-sprouted branch will soon give you a plant identical to the mother plant.

6- The snowberry 

is a charming shrub that produces small flowers in summer and very decorative white, pink or red berries in autumn. Birds love it, which makes it a perfect subject for an open hedge. Cuttings can be taken from semi-hardened branches in August.

7- St. John's Wort 

forms a spreading bush with pretty yellow flowers throughout the summer. It is maintenance free and can be grown in most soils, making it the ideal shrub for beginners. Take Augusted branches at the end of summer to cut it.

8- The flowering currant 

(Ribes sanguineum) is a shrub with very generous white, pink or red flowers, emitting a sweet smell of blackcurrant. It produces bluish berries in autumn, very appreciated by birds. The cuttings of half-hardened branches take root very quickly in summer.

9- The skimmia 

embalms the spring with its orange blossom fragrance produced by its white starry flowers. In winter the plant is very appreciated for its bright red berries. This shrub is ideal in a free hedge in an acidic soil. The semi-hardened branches are very easy to cut in summer.

10- Rosemary 

is an aromatic and medicinal plant that needs no introduction. Forming bushes covered with bluish flowers, sometimes upright and sometimes creeping, depending on the variety, it can be cut from semi-arched stems as early as July.

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