10 Pollution Resistant Shrubs

In the city, pollution often reigns supreme, harming living organisms, including plants of course. Here is a selection of 10 shrubs that tolerate these difficult conditions.

The forsythia

The forsythia is one of the first shrubs to light up the spring with its yellow flowers appearing well before the foliage. Very hardy, it can be planted in any garden, in semi-shade or full sun and in all types of soil.

The lilac

The lilac perfumes the gardens from April. Its blue, purple, pink or white flowers in clusters are a visual and olfactory wonder. It appreciates neutral to calcareous drained soils and sunny exposures to bloom well. Very hardy, it resists to temperatures of -20°C.

The skimmia

The skimmia is a very ornamental shrub by its splendid and fragrant spring flowering in white stars, followed by flamboyant red berries which will color your winter. The skimmia likes neutral to acid soil and does not tolerate limestone, it appreciates half-shade. Hardy and resistant to diseases and pests, it is an ideal subject for beginners.

The Japanese hornbeam

The Japanese hornbeam is an ideal shrub for mixed hedges or as an isolated subject. It can reach 3m in height and is adorned with golden yellow pompons in spring. Hardy, resistant to almost everything, easy to grow, it appreciates drained and fertile soils and a sunny exposure.


Sarcococca is an evergreen shrub, precious for its bewitchingly fragrant bloom in the middle of winter. Ornamental berries will follow this one, adding further appeal to this easy-to-grow, maintenance-free plant. An ordinary, neutral to acidic, well-drained soil and a semi-shaded exposure will suit it perfectly.

The pieris blooms

The pieris blooms abundantly in spring in clusters of white bells. Very resistant and hardy, it can withstand both drought and wind without flinching. An acid and fresh soil will suit it perfectly as well as a half-shaded exposure.

The buddleia

The buddleia or 'butterfly tree', attracts pollinating insects to its clusters of white, purple or pink scented flowers all summer long. It tolerates all types of soil, heat and wind and thrives in full sun where it will grow to a height of up to 5 m in all directions. It is an ideal hedge subject.

The broom

The broom will find its place as well in free hedge as in bed or in rockery. Its delicately scented bright yellow flowers signal the return of the beautiful season. In full sun in neutral or acid soil, it will grow even if the soil is poor and very drained.

The althea

The althea is an easy to grow shrub despite its exotic look. Very hardy, it likes full sun in any type of well-drained soil, even limestone. It then covers itself with white, pink or purple flowers all summer long without needing any particular care.

The deutzia

The deutzia is covered with white or pink flowers in spring. Its rapid growth, its resistance and its ease of cultivation make it an ideal subject for beginners, especially as it is happy with all types of soil and most exposures.

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