The single-flowered Japanese cortea

Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea': large, single flowers for the Japanese cornice

The pompom flowers of the Japanese headstock 'Pleniflora', a shrub of good size (3 meters high) and very suckering, are widely known in the gardens. But today, Patrick NICOLAS presents us a variety with simple and rather large flowers, which is called the single-flowered Japanese crested: Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea'.

This variety is less tall and a little wider than Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora', since its adult size is between 1,50 m and 2 m. With a relatively light branching, less dense, allowing light to pass through, it has the advantage of allowing the planting of perennials around its foot.

Another important advantage is that Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea' is a shrub that is certainly slightly suckering, but much less so than the Japanese cortea 'Pleniflora'.

The single flowered Japanese cortea: a shrub for the 4 seasons

Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea' blooms in spring, with a late summer/early autumn repeat. Its foliage is deciduous, but its wood remains green, even in winter. Also, it remains very aesthetic regardless of the season.

Where to plant the Japanese cortea 'Golden Guinea'?

Soil: Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea' is content with normal garden soil, which does not dry out too much during the summer.

Each year, bring compost to stimulate the growth of the branches and the blooming.

Exposure: preferably sunny but not hot, or, possibly, a very bright light shade.

Even if Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea' can bear drought when it is temporary, avoid dry places in the garden.

Care of Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea

A simple grooming pruning is enough for the Japanese cortea. It is limited to the removal, at the end of winter, of the small branches that dry out each year. New stems will grow from the base.

Kerria japonica 'Golden Guinea' is a cold-resistant shrub. However, if the tips of the stems turn brown due to very cold temperatures, it will be sufficient to prune them in the spring.

To know more 

There are also other species of Japanese cortea.
  • Kerria japonica, the typical botanical species, with smaller single flowers;
  • Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora', with pompon flowers;
  • Kerria japonica 'Alba', with cream-colored flowers.

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