The Aralia elata, a plant with a tropical look resistant to the cold

Get to know Aralia elata better

Aralia elata, also known as Japanese Angelica, is a fast-growing plant native to Japan and Northeast Asia.

The variety 'Silver Umbrella' presented in the video was planted two years ago when it was only 50 cm tall, so it has tripled in height, producing a generous foliage carried by side branches that can reach up to 1 m long. An interesting way to create volume in a recent garden very quickly and to bring an exotic note by marrying the Aralia to a banana tree for example!

The young shoots appear in April. The foliage lasts until autumn. The summer flowering, very light and vaporous, is particularly appreciated by pollinating insects. The flowers are followed by blackish berries that birds love. This plant thus favors biodiversity in the garden.

The young shoots are edible and are eaten in Japan.

Growing conditions of the Japanese angelica

The aralia appreciates places protected from the prevailing wind and rich, cool soil. In these optimal conditions, this plant will not cause you any concern and will develop in an exuberant way.


Despite its tropical appearance, this beautiful plant is hardy to -15°C.


The Aralia likes the sun in the northern regions, everywhere else, the shade and the half-shade are preferable especially in the Mediterranean regions where the sun could burn the foliage.


The soil should be well drained, light and fertile, add a good dose of river sand and mature compost at planting.


Water as soon as the soil dries on 3 cm surface during all the beautiful season to ensure a beautiful growth to the plant.


The variety 'Silver Umbrella' is quite rare because it is only multiplied by grafting a branch on a root. The technique is therefore reserved for professionals or seasoned gardeners.

The classic aralia with green leaves can be sown in spring, or even divided with a spade at the end of winter by taking shoots from the stump and replanting them immediately in another area of the garden.

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