Hydrangea panicule, family portrait

Originally from Asia and introduced in Europe at the end of the 19th century, panicled hydrangeas or Hydrangea paniculata are robust and vigorous shrubs whose heavy clusters of flowers often make the branches that carry them bend.

The numerous conical inflorescences of the panicled hydrangea evoke the flowers of the lilac. Depending on the variety, the cream or white base of the flowers can be tinted with green, old pink or purple. The panicles are composed of tiny and numerous sterile flowers, sprinkled more or less generously, according to the variety, with large fertile flowers. These inflorescences last many weeks in summer and remain decorative until autumn.

The smallest: less than 1.5 m

They are THE solution for small spaces: pocket garden, terrace, balcony. Recently introduced on the market, they offer to all the pleasure of hosting a Hydrangea paniculata. 

Strawberry Sundae' ® : the little cousin of 'Strawberry Vanilla'.
Very bushy, balanced habit. Blooms from July onwards with a mixture of green, cream and pink shades. Colors intensify during the summer weeks. H : 1,2 m and W : 1 m. Sun, mid-shade.

Bobo' : the little darling of balconies
Very compact, very floriferous; it blooms from July onwards offering large creamy panicles first tinged with green which turn white as the weeks go by. H: 80 cm and W: 1,2 m. Sun, half-shade.

Medium-sized plants: less than 2 m

They can be placed anywhere: at the bottom of a bed, in large pots on the terrace, in a small country hedge. These cultivars reach 2 m in all directions. 

Red Diamond' ® : the reddest
This recent obtention (2011) produces from July luxuriant panicles (up to 35-40 cm long) at first white then more and more pink to finish wine-red in autumn. Very bushy habit. H: 1,5 m and W: 1,2 m. Sun, mid-shade.

Phantom' : very full panicles in XXL version
Very floriferous shrub, blooms from August. Stiff stems. White blooming that becomes pink and green with time. H and W : 2 m. Half-shade.

Vanille Fraise' © : an invitation to indulgence
Blooms starting in July, first vanilla-strawberry then crushed raspberry for very greedy cameos! H: 2 and W: 1,5 m. Sun to part shade.

Limelight' : tangy !
Blooms in August mixing cream and chartreuse green. Huge panicles up to 40 cm long but strong stems! As the weeks go by, the flowers lighten then turn pink. H and W: 2 m. Half-shade.

Mega Mindy' © remarkable in autumn
Blooms from July in large, light, creamy-white panicles that darken to wine-white in late summer. H : 2 and W : 1,8m. Sun, mid-shade. A recent obtention.

Praecox': flowers from June
Creamy, light, airy panicles. Well-bushy habit. H: 2 and E: 1,5. Sun, half-shade.

For the collectors : a new 'Prim'White ®' which blooms sometimes from May and offers light and elegant panicles cream then pure white. H : 1,5 m and W : 2 m. Beware exception which blooms on the wood of the previous year so prune after flowering.

Unique' : a sure value
Very vigorous. Impressive from August with its huge pure white panicles, mostly composed of sterile flowers. Bushy habit. H and W: 2 m. Half-shade.

The largest: more than 2m

They offer an irresistible summer interest to mixed hedges, to copses at the bottom of the garden, to large natural beds in country gardens. These Hydrangea paniculata happily exceed 2 m in all directions. Of course, they can be trimmed back a bit at the end of winter, but you might as well take advantage of their strong presence by placing them in the right place!

Pinky Winky' © : a festival of colors
A recent creation that blooms from July. Light panicles first cream then pink then bright red in autumn. H : 3 m. E : 2 m. Sun, part shade.

Grandiflora' : a classic that has proven itself
From August, huge inflorescences (up to 40 cm long) tightly packed in cream tinting to old pink as time goes by. H: 2 to 3 m (up to 5 m high when it likes it!). E: 2,5 m. Half-shade.

Kyushu' : grace and lightness
Long light panicles from July. Cream at first, then tinted with green and tan as the months go by. Erect habit. H : 3 m. E : 2 m. Sun, mid-shade.

'Tardiva' : flowers at the beginning of the school year
Long, creamy, light panicles in September-October. Open habit. H: 2.5 m. E: 5 ft. to 6 ft. Sun, semi-shade.

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