Choosing the right oak for your garden

The oak is a majestic tree representing strength and durability. Highly symbolic, this tree can live hundreds of years and should be chosen according to the size of your garden and the climate of your region. Here is an overview of the most common species...

An oak even in a small garden ?

If you dream of planting an oak tree but do not have a large garden, the solution exists: the Kermes oak (Quercus coccifera). It does not exceed two meters in height and can withstand wind, sea spray and drought, so it is ideal for planting in Mediterranean gardens.

Another heat lover, the cork oak (Quercus suber) will grow perfectly in the same conditions as the previous species, however it does not tolerate calcareous soil. It will reach a height of 10 meters but its growth is rather slow.

Another oak appreciating the southern regions, the holm oak (Quercus ilex), very tolerant to heat and drought, it appreciates limestone soils. Its nicely cut foliage, of a beautiful light green color, makes it a choice subject to install in a garden.
The pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens), more rustic than the species presented above, can be planted in most gardens. With its untidy and tortuous habit, it offers a beautiful spread (8 to 10 m). It should therefore not be installed in very small gardens!

The best species for large gardens

In a large garden, anything goes! Spreading out, incredible height and span, let yourself go crazy with the oak!

The sessile oak (Quercus petraea) is a choice subject in isolation because of its spreading silhouette. It can reach a height of 30 m for 25 m wide. Its golden foliage is very ornamental in the fall. It tolerates most soils, whether dry, neutral or acid, but does not tolerate limestone. Very hardy, it will do well in most regions.

The common oak (Quercus robur) also needs a well-adapted space to grow since it can reach 30 meters in height and 20 meters in span. It is one of the most difficult oaks in terms of the nature of the soil, which must be rather neutral. It hates dryness and needs constant coolness to grow well. Once these conditions are met, you will be rewarded by its beauty!

Great star of the gardens, the American red oak is a fast growing tree that will reach up to 25 meters in height for a spread of 15 to 20 m. Very hardy, it tolerates temperatures down to -25°C in winter. It appreciates non-calcareous and well-drained soils, but tolerates pollution and drought well, which is why it is often used as a line tree. Its foliage turns flamboyant red in autumn, which adds to its undeniable ornamental quality.

Ideal for very humid gardens, the swamp oak (Quercus palustris) will do well on the banks of rivers or in marshy areas, but only in plains because it does not tolerate altitude. This beautiful and slender tree of 20 meters high, very rustic, does not accept limestone soils. In autumn it is adorned with shimmering orange-red colors.

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