The heathers

The heathers of the genus Erica

The heathers of the genus Erica are :
  • winter flowering heathers, such as Erica x darleyensis and Erica carnea ;
  • summer flowering heathers with, for example, Erica vagans or Erica cinerea;
  • shrubby heathers with Erica arborea, Erica Erigena (this is a heather that is not very common in gardens but which can grow up to 60 cm and flowers from autumn to winter) and Erica scoparia (the broom heather), including Erica scoparia ssp Azorica, with its luminous green foliage and spiral shape.
  • The heathers of the genus Calluna
  • The genus Calluna includes mainly summer flowering heathers with different colors of foliage and flowers. The height of the callunas is variable; while some reach 50 cm high, others, carpeting, do not exceed 15 cm.

The heathers of the genus Daboecia

The leafy heathers belong to the genus Daboecia. Daboecia x scotica 'Silverwells' is a small heather (15 cm) very floriferous which forms very big white bell-shaped flowers.

Cultivation needs of heathers

Generally, the heathers are happy in a peaty, light, fresh soil, with a rather acidic pH (around 6,5). However, Erica cinerea behaves as well in sandy soil, a little drier, just like the broom heather.

The maintenance of the heathers is simple: an annual pruning is carried out during the first two weeks of April. The heathers of the Calluna genus are simply cut back, under the flowering.

The multiplication of heathers

The heathers multiply by cuttings or by sowing.

Erica carnea multiplies naturally thanks to its horizontal branches which marcott when they develop on a light soil.

Companion plants for heathers

To accompany heathers in the garden, choose shrubs with spring flowers or colored foliage, such as Diervilla x splendens, a shrub with red autumn foliage, very resistant and which supports all exposures and all soils. It tends to form a clump that is wider (3 meters) than tall (2 meters). Planted in a group and accompanied in front by tree heathers, you will obtain a nice bed.

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