Perennial and hardy hibiscus

The vast genus Hibiscus is divided into nearly 200 species, some of which are perennial and hardy. These hibiscus can be planted in the garden and bloom even more abundantly each year. Discover them...

The hardy shrubby hibiscus

Shrubby hibiscus grow on woody stems that remain in place from one year to the next. Very hardy (-15 °C), tolerant of all kinds of soil, even limestone, they are wonderful in mixed hedges, at the bottom of a bed, or as an isolated subject on a lawn.

Hibiscus syriacus, also known as 'Tree Mallow' or 'Althea' is an upright shrub with dark green deciduous leaves. This species is native to an area stretching from India to China, where it can grow to nearly 3 meters in height and 2 meters in spread. The dark pink flowers with purple center in corollas of 8 cm in diameter follow one another without interruption from July to the first frost. Innumerable varieties have been created, with double flowers as in 'Jeanne d'Arc' of white color or 'Leopoldii' pink spotted with red. The most classic single flowered varieties are 'Blue bird' with blue/purple flowers and a red center, or 'Hamabo' with large pale pink flowers spotted with red.

Hibiscus sinosyriacus is a very hardy species that grows quite fast and produces flowers early. Very easy to grow, it requires almost no maintenance.

The pink flowers follow one another from the end of April to September on this shrub which can reach 3 m height.

Hibiscus paramutabilis is a shrub native to China that can be considered in most regions where frost does not last too long; it is hardy to -10 °C.

This species can reach 4 m in all directions if planted in rich and well-drained soil. This hibiscus has light green palmate and pubescent leaves and is covered with white flowers with a red center 12 cm in diameter from July to October.

Hardy herbaceous hibiscus

Some species and varieties of hibiscus have a woody stem, but their aerial parts are herbaceous and disappear in winter, only to grow back when temperatures are very mild. With spectacular flowers, these hibiscus need sun and a cool, very fertile soil. Mulch the plants in winter to protect them.

Hibiscus coccineus is an herbaceous perennial native to the swampy areas of the southeastern United States. Growing up to 2 m tall, this hibiscus has hemp-like leaves and bright red flowers 20 cm in diameter that bloom from July to September. It can withstand temperatures as low as -12 °C.

Hibiscus moscheutos otherwise named 'Hibiscus of the marshes' is a perennial plant appreciating the watery grounds. It is thus ideal in edge of basin. The flowering in flattened cups of 25 cm of diameter is always spectacular, that it is red, white or pink. The plant can reach 1,5 m in all directions, in one season. As of the first frosts, the aerial parts disappear to reappear only late in the following spring.

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