
Hydrangeas are a large family of which the most famous are the ones with big pompons. They come in many species and varieties. Whether they are bushy, climbing or shrubby, hydrangeas will continue to amaze us!

A vast family

Some people make the distinction between "hydrangeas" and "hydrangeas", but they are one and the same perennial plant belonging to the Hydrangea genus. The term "Hydrangea" is simply the common name for this well-known plant. There are many species in the Hydrangea genus, each with its own particular characteristics.

Hydrangea macrophylla

This is the most common plant of the genus, the one we call "hydrangea" in common language. This shrubby species with large leaves can reach up to 2 meters in height and spread when the conditions are favorable, that is to say in fresh, humus and acid soil. It is recognizable by its big balls of blue, pink or white flowers carried by rigid but hollow stems. This species blooms on the branches of the previous year, a late pruning or a frost can then compromise the bloom of the year.

Hydrangea petiolaris

This climbing species of strong development is ideal to cover a support along a wall. It bears beautiful white inflorescences in spreading domes. This hydrangea can reach 15 meters in height, its leaves take on a beautiful golden color in the fall; it is an outstanding ornamental subject.

Hydrangea quercifolia

As its name suggests, this hydrangea is remarkable for its large oak-like leaves that take on flamboyant hues in the fall. It is ideal in beds or pots but should be avoided in humid soil as it would then be too sensitive to root rot.

Hydrangea paniculata

Easy to grow and very hardy, this very vigorous species is gaining more and more followers charmed by its conical inflorescences of cream color turning to pale pink. This hydrangea supports very well a sunny exposure.

Hydrangea involucrata

Very compact (1 m high) the Hydrangea involucrata is well suited to the center of a bed or in pots. It likes a fresh and humid soil where it will display from July its rounded corymbs with small blue flowers surrounded by bigger single to double, white, pale blue or pink flowers which give it its nickname of "Hydrangea with peony flower".

Hydrangea arborescens

This arborescent Hydrangea is a vigorous species, easy to cultivate because it tolerates most soils and exposures. It is a large suckering shrub producing large inflorescences in the form of very spectacular white balls. This hydrangea can easily reach 3 meters in height.

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