Bamboos for all tastes

Bamboo has become an essential plant in our gardens. Fast growing, sometimes even invasive, this carefree plant comes in countless varieties, each with its own place in the garden. Giant, slender or bushy, dwarf or variegated, you will find the bamboo that suits you!

Ground Cover

Take advantage of the power of expansion of this plant to cover spaces where you want to eradicate weeds or create green areas without worrying about requiring only low maintenance. Indeed, the tracing roots and the density of the foliage will prevent the regrowth of weeds and will avoid you the always painful chore of weeding.

Choose the Sasa genus with its shiny and wide foliage which will do wonders in shady and humid areas. In dry and sunny soils, Pleioblastus is preferable as it can be pruned at will and will cover large areas very quickly.

Isolated subject

Always very elegant installed in a large pot, it will enhance a wooden terrace. Cultivated in a pot, the water and fertilizer must be constant to keep the brightness and beauty of the foliage and avoid its wilting. For this use Semiarundinaria fastuosa will give good results because it is not very tracing. Its culms rise very straight like candles erected towards the sky. In the sun it takes a beautiful amber color very characteristic. Very graceful, Phyllostachys decora resists well to dryness and will find its place on Mediterranean terraces.

Boundaries and borders

Bamboo, if well contained, can also be used to create borders, as well as to stabilize sloping ground. The genera Sasa, Shibataea or Pleioblastus lend themselves well to the creation of borders and the delimitation of paths as long as they are well contained with the help of anti-rhizome barriers. In early spring, prune them very short to induce the formation of new foliage and keep a compact habit.

Bamboo hedges

This is the most common use of bamboo. These hedges offer excellent visual, acoustic and wind protection, creating favorable microclimates for fragile plants.

Fargesias and Phyllostachys are most often used to create hedges. Beware, because if the conditions are right for them, their growth can be very fast, and they will easily reach 15 meters high. But don't panic, they can be pruned in height as well as in width!

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