Tips for planting an open hedge

An open hedge provides a varied hedge that will reward you with different colors and shapes throughout the year.

When should I plant a hedge?

From mid-October to the end of March, you can plant all deciduous species, especially bower trees, which grow quite quickly. Subjects offered in containers, i.e. with their entire root system, can be installed without risk at any time of the year, simply by providing regular and generous watering.

What are the planting distances?

For a good spacing between plants, count 50 cm for subjects less than 1 m high; space 60 to 80 cm for shrubs of 1 to 2 m, and 1 to 1.50 m for the largest species. If you need to plant a long distance (more than 15 m), consider renting an auger or a bucket trencher. This will save you a lot of effort in excavating the soil. It is better to dig a linear trench and install the plants at the right spacing than to make individual holes, especially if you are planting small specimens.

To avoid any problems, respect article 671 of the civil code. It stipulates that plants that reach a maximum height of 2 m should be planted 50 cm from the boundary. Plants exceeding 2 m in height at maturity must be planted at least 2 m from the boundary between the two properties.

Black plastic mulch film during planting?

When it comes to planting long hedges, the use of a mulch film saves a considerable amount of time, which explains why it is so widely used by green space professionals. Polyethylene is a non-polluting plastic, since its combustion only releases water vapor. It prevents the evaporation of water, warms the soil and prevents the proliferation of weeds. In addition, in very sloping soils (slopes), the mulch film prevents runoff. The main problem is that these films, once used, are left in place and scattered in shreds.

In a home garden, the plastic can be replaced by the new natural mulches made from coconut fibers or the unsightly films can be covered with pine bark.

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