Pittosporum 'Golf Ball', an alternative to boxwood

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball': a replacement for boxwood?

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' owes its name to its compact ball-like habit. Rather recent (it was found by a nurseryman about ten years ago), it is already a serious candidate to replace boxwood, which is susceptible to two diseases and one pest (the boxwood borer defoliator caterpillar).

To know: nurserymen are looking for plants that could replace boxwood. However, at the present time, there is no plant that can replace boxwood in all its uses and all its geographical zones.

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' is especially interesting in the southern half of France, to form small borders, but also balls.

The advantages

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball', like a number of other Pittosporums, is particularly resistant to drought. It has no known diseases or pests, and, as an added bonus, it can be pruned very well.


It can be pruned several times a year, depending on the needs, but avoid pruning in the middle of winter, when there is a risk of frost.

A small pruning in April, then a second one during the summer, allows to obtain a perfect ball.

Its small boxwood leaves

If in a very favorable situation (as in the nursery), Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' has a vigorous habit and 'big' leaves (1 cm long and 8 mm wide), rest assured: in the open ground, the habit will naturally be more compact, with finer leaves, similar to those of boxwood.

The propagation of Pittosporum 'Golf Ball

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' can be cuttings in September, but beware: it is a plant whose reproduction without the authorization of the New Zealand nurseryman is forbidden.

How to plant this pittosporum?

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' is a full sun shrub, possibly in partial shade. The soil should be normal or draining but not waterlogged in winter. In this case, plant it on a mound.

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' can also be grown in a pot, on a terrace, in a mixture of one third soil, one third quality potting soil and one third compost.

Care of Pittosporum 'Golf Ball

Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' is a hardy plant. Therefore, it does not show any signs of weakness when it is thirsty. It is therefore necessary to check regularly that the soil remains fresh, but not waterlogged.

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