Flowering hedges

You wish to create a hedge while having the wish to decorate your garden. For you, a cedar, cypress or laurel hedge rhymes with banality and austerity, so opt for a flowering hedge with shimmering colors that will surprise you with the colors of its dress throughout the seasons.

It is by mixing species, colors, heights and shapes that we give a decorative aspect to the garden which evolves during the seasons according to the flowering and the colors of the foliage.

Once you have defined the type of hedge you want to create, you now have to choose the varieties of your shrubs and their arrangement in order to obtain a harmonious variation in the colors of your hedge according to the seasons.

If necessary, you should choose evergreen species to isolate you from the eyes of your neighbors in winter as well as in summer. I am thinking in particular of the separating limits adjoining your terrace or having views on bay windows...

Varieties of flowering shrubs

Find a list of shrubs for flowering hedges.

The layout

To obtain a harmonious flowering hedge and enjoy an uninterrupted color palette throughout the year, make sure to:
  • Choose a minimum of 3 different species. And for those who have more space, opt for 5 species: the final result will be even better.
  • Arrange the species according to their flowering period.

Planting advice

Prepare the ground by spading it over 40 cm at the beginning of October to start planting at the beginning of November before the first frosts. If necessary, continue with the rest of your planting in early spring.

Additional arrangements

Embellish the base of your shrubs with few low branches with bulbs, low perennials,...

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