Create a themed hedge

A hedge doesn't have to be a plain green wall with no surprises! Ecological, scented, flowery, country-style... Hedges come in a variety of forms and themes. Here is a quick overview...

Hedges adapted to the soil

Many themes revolve around the climate, the nature of the soil or the specificities of your region. The choice will be made according to these criteria.

The seaside hedge: it will be composed of shrubs that can withstand sea spray, sandy soil and sometimes violent winds. Among them are eleagnus, escallonia, juniper or phormium.

The hedge for mild climates: it will include moderately hardy shrubs that can withstand the heat well. Oleanders, grevilleas or tamarisk are perfectly adapted to this use.

Hedges for limestone soils: limestone is not tolerated by all plants, which is why there are "ready-to-plant" kits for hedges in limestone soils. You will find buddleias, lilacs or seringats.

Hedges for shady gardens: most plants like the sun and will not grow well in the shade, fortunately some plants are still adapted to it. Among them, camellias, hollies, or even large rustic fuchsias.

Ornamental hedges

Beauty will be the criterion for selecting the shrubs that make up these hedges, but always following a very specific theme.

The hedge with colored foliage: as its name indicates, it is composed of shrubs with remarkable foliage that can vary with the seasons. The choice is vast among the cultivars of holly, spindle trees with variegated foliage, but let's not forget the warm colored foliage of dogwoods, photinias or cotinus.

The flowering hedge: the shrubs chosen will be for their opulent flowering and staggered over several months. Ceanothes, spireas, choisyas, deutzias or forsythias are perfect for this purpose.

The decorative berry hedge: some shrubs produce bunches of red berries after flowering, such as Nandina and holly, but also purple fruits such as the amazing Callicarpa and Mahonia, or black ones such as sambuscus.

Practical hedges

This type of hedge is bound to be useful in the garden.

The windbreak or privacy hedge: it should be composed exclusively of evergreen shrubs to ensure its protective function throughout the year. Bamboos, conifers but also boxwoods will have these assets.

The ecological hedge: it attracts the gardener's helpers by offering them shelter and food. Low shrubs, but also taller subjects will compose it. Flowers, berries... a maximum of diversity should be made available to the animals. Berberis, Cornus, viburnum or prunus can be used.

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