Palm trees, family portrait

Palms belong to the Arecaceae family. There are nearly 3000 species in the hot regions of the world, mainly in tropical areas but also in desert and mountainous regions. In the south-east of France, we find a species growing naturally: the dwarf palm: Chamaerops humilis.

Among palms, we are used to records! In the Andes, the largest palm tree in the world reaches 60 m high. Some climbing palms offer lianas of more than 200 m. Raphia regalis offers the longest palm in the world: 24 m. Coripha umbraculifera is distinguished by a palm of 5 m in diameter and inflorescences of 9 m long! As far as seeds are concerned, it is still a palm tree that wins the prize: the famous coco-fesse which produces seeds weighing more than 20 kg....

The botanical point of view

Palms are not trees but giant grasses. We do not speak of trunk but of stipe. This one can be smooth, ringed or thorny, swollen at the base or in the middle. The palms are connected to the stipe by the petioles. They are most often pinnate (leaf segments arranged on either side of the petiole) or palmate (fan-like). The fruits of the palm tree offer a beautiful diversity in the form of bunches called infrutescences, berries (e.g. dates) or seeds (e.g. coconuts).

The hardiness of palms

Winter temperatures are not the only factor that determines the hardiness of palms. Other factors are also important: age of the palm tree, duration of frosts, thermal amplitude between day and night, soil drainage, exposure to cold winds and sea spray, and summer heat. A long and warm summer favors good growth and better hardiness the following winter.

Chinese Palm, Trachycarpus Fortunei (Chamaerops excelsa)

Single, straight and thin stipe. Large dark green fan-shaped palms. Whitish fibers at the base of the petioles. Short golden yellow inflorescences. Small purplish fruits in female subject.
  • Fast growing. H: 10-12 m.
  • Likes: a fresh and humid soil, sun not burning, half-shade. Fears: drought.
  • Hardiness: -15 to -20°C.

Trachycarpus de Wagner, Trachycarpus wagnerianus

It resembles its cousin Trachycarpus fortunei in more compact. Stipe fibrous. Stipe more rigid.
  • H: 5-10 m.
  • Hardiness: up to -15°C.

Dwarf palm or Mediterranean palm, Chamaerops humilis

Dense and compact silhouette, fibrous stipe, branched from the base. Light green fan-shaped palms. Inflorescences very short, light yellow. Reddish fruits in female subject.
  • Slow growth, reduced size. H : 2-3 m. (very old subjects until 8 m).
  • Likes: sun, half-shade, draining soil (sandy, stony).
  • Hardiness: -12°C.

Chamaerops cerifera

It resembles Chamaerops humilis but with wider leaves, bluish green color and slower development.

Jelly palm or wine palm, Butia capitata

Very elegant South American palm with its large, bluish-green, arched, pinnate palms. Spiny petioles. Long yellow or purple inflorescences followed by small orange and edible fruits!
  • Rather slow growth: H: 3 to 5 m.
  • Appreciates: sun, any soil even heavy and clayey.
  • Hardiness: up to -12°C.

Metal palm, Brahea armata

Mexican palm tree offering a beautiful bluish and waxy foliage on the top. Spiny petioles. Very long bright yellow inflorescences followed by small brown fruits.
  • Slow growth. H: 10 m.
  • Likes: sun, heat, well drained soil.
  • Hardiness: up to -12°C.

Canary Island date palm (or Hyères palm), Phoenix canariensis

Vigorous and massive stipe reminiscent of a giant pineapple when it is young. Long and abundant pinnate palms forming a very full crown. Spiny petioles. Short pale yellow inflorescences. Clusters of small orange-yellow fruits.
  • Rapid growth in warm conditions. H: 15 to 20 m.
  • Likes: full sun, fertile soil, cool in summer but well drained in winter. Withstands drought and sea spray.
  • Hardiness: up to -8°C.

California palm (or fan palm), Washingtonia filifera

Light green palms in a rounded fan shape, with long whitish threads (hence the name). Spiny petioles. Long inflorescences of cream flowers followed by small shiny black fruits.

  • Very fast growth if much sun and water. H: 12 to 15 m.
  • Likes: sun, fertile soil, well drained but cool in summer.
  • Hardiness: -8/ -10°C.

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